The first in our Go Nuts! series of videos, Why You Should Eat Almonds explores the many health benefits of almonds for body and mind. To learn more about this topic and many others, visit my blog, Holistic Health & Living http://holistichealthliving.wordpress.com/
“The Brain Benefits of Vitamin B6,” September 2010 http://wp.me/p2AAHw-iL
Metabolism http://www.metabolismjournal.com
Search “almonds” and you will find multiple articles/pdfs on the topic.
For more information on how Almonds (Potassium) affects blood pressure watch my last video “How to Normalize Blood Pressure: High and Low” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiNWouTcZp8
This video featured the music score “Nocturne Op.9 No.2” by Frederick Chopin
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