Posted on: March 7, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

woman choosing between apple and cake

How do you eat the right foods and avoid getting pressured or seduced into eating foods that will likely provoke trouble for you or your health? This can be tricky, especially during the holidays and on special occasions. Sticking with the food choices you know are best for you is much easier if you know how to gracefully share your “Food Story” with others. Your “Food Story” explains why you choose to not eat certain foods and why you stress specific types of foods in your diet. When others understand your “Food Story,” they are more likely to stop pressuring you to eat foods that are harmful to you.

My daughter Zebby is gluten- and dairy-free and is now old enough to make her own choices about what she will and will not eat. Though it has taken her a few years, she has learned how to navigate her “Food Story” with friends and family who don’t always understand gluten sensitivities. When she was younger, one of her biggest challenges was Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners at Grandma’s house.

Grandma believed that a little of her special Thanksgiving food wouldn’t hurt anybody. However, knowing what my body could and could not handle, I made an equivalent dairy- and gluten-free meal for my spouse and me. Zebby, however, felt bad that no one was eating Grandma’s food, so she had dressing, gravy and two servings of green beans, saying how delicious the food was. The gluten and dairy trigger migraines, often accompanied by vomiting, that can last for days, sometimes a week. So I was not surprised that Zebby woke up the day after Thanksgiving with a severe headache, light sensitivity and vomiting. It made the five-hour drive back to Iowa miserable for everyone. She ended up missing almost a week of school because of the severe migraine.

When we went back to Grandma’s for Christmas, Zebby ate only gluten- and dairy-free food. She explained to Grandma that the gluten in wheat triggers terrible migraines, which can last for days and are often accompanied by vomiting. She told Grandma that she missed a week of school because of the migraine and didn’t want to risk getting that sick again. Even though it was difficult, my daughter learned how to communicate her “Food Story” to Grandma, who understood why Zebby had to avoid certain foods.

It’s like that for all of us — even I have eaten the wrong foods on several occasions early on in my journey back to health. Because eating gluten or dairy gives me a flare of my severe facial pain within 48 hours, I receive very prompt feedback on my food choices. This has made it much easier for me to commit to being meticulous about my food choices. I tell family and friends who invite me for a meal that I will bring some food to be sure I have something I feel safe eating, and typically bring a big batch of greens. It is also helpful to eat before going to an event that has questionable food so that you will be less tempted to make a poor food decision.

For more information on how to navigate eating for optimal health, visit the Community Resources page at You can also pre-order a copy of THE WAHLS PROTOCOL: HOW I BEAT PROGRESIVE MS USING PALEO PRINCIPLES AND FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  You can get a signed copy of the book (US and Canadian addresses only) here.


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