Posted on: June 16, 2021 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

The rate of diabetes is now at epidemic proportion with an estimated 463 million adults worldwide already living with the disease. And another 374 million people are prediabetic, meaning they’re at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the coming years.

The notion that pre-diabetes is “blood sugar that’s high but not high enough to be diabetes” has lulled us into a false sense of security. It can actually do serious heart danger before ever progressing. That’s why improving insulin sensitivity is paramount.

Luckily, researchers have found a sweet answer that could lower your risk of blood sugar problems by a whopping 36 percent, by doing just that…

Improving insulin sensitivity

The answer?

Fresh fruit!

After following 7,600 Australians in the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute’s AusDiab Study for over five years, researchers concluded that just two servings of fruit per day is enough to deliver big benefits for healthier blood sugar response.

The research showed that eating 2 servings of fruit resulted in higher levels of insulin sensitivity in comparison to consuming less than half a serving of fruit each day.

In fact, according to the team, there was an undeniable connection between fruit intake and markers of insulin sensitivity — suggesting that people who consumed more fruit have to produce less insulin to lower their blood glucose levels.

Insulin resistance is just the opposite and means the body requires an abnormal amount of insulin to try to manage the glucose. In the beginning that can cause blood sugar spikes, but quickly lead to bigger problems…

“This is important because high levels of circulating insulin (hyperinsulinemia) can damage blood vessels and are related not only to diabetes, but also to high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease,” said Dr. Nicola Bondonno, a researcher at Edith Cowan University’s Institute for Nutrition Research.

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Whole fruit versus juice

But there’s one thing you need to keep in mind…

Fruit and fruit juice are not created equal when it comes to diabetes prevention.

The study revealed that the higher insulin sensitivity and lower risk of diabetes that came with consuming whole fruit did not go hand-in-hand with drinking fruit juice.

The researchers believe this is because juice tends to be much higher in sugar and lower in fiber.

So why is whole fruit such a powerful tool for improving blood sugar and insulin sensitivity?

Well, the researchers say that they were not able to identify one central reason for the benefits of eating fruit. However, they believe that the overall health benefits fruit offers are behind the results seen.

“As well as being high in vitamins and minerals, fruits are a great source of phytochemicals which may increase insulin sensitivity, and fiber which helps regulate the release of sugar into the blood and also helps people feel fuller for longer,” said Bondonno. “Furthermore, most fruits typically have a low glycemic index, which means the fruit’s sugar is digested and absorbed into the body more slowly.”

So, if you want to grab some powerful yet sweet diabetes prevention, it’s time to add more whole fruit to your daily diet. Just two servings of fruit a day, whether it’s those juicy apples (wash and eat the peel!) calling your name or a healthy slice of watermelon, could lower your risk of diabetes by a full 36 percent.

And for even more diabetes protection, check out these five everyday foods that lower blood sugar.


Sweet! Just 2 servings of fruit a day can significantly lower diabetes risk — Study Finds

People who eat a healthy diet including whole fruits may be less likely to develop diabetes — EurekAlert!

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