Supplements are an easy, safe, and fast way to experience major health wins (with minimal effort… I know you’re busy, so I’m all about getting the most bang for your buck!)
Your hormones rely on key nutrients to work at their best, and it is virtually impossible to get everything you need through food alone (unless you want to eat 10lbs of broccoli sprouts every day… No? You’re in the right place).
If you neglect your dietary and nutritional needs, stress management, sleep, and toxic load, then the supplements will not be able to support your body in the way that they should.
But, if you are making changes already to strengthen your foundation and reduce stress levels, then some of these supplements could be a key addition to your personal healthcare plan!
A quick note on supplement sources and quality: NOT ALL SUPPLEMENTS ARE CREATED EQUAL. Many you find on supermarket shelves or from online retailers are not tested for quality—and many do not even contain the ingredients they claim! I created the Essentially Whole line of supplements to guarantee a quality source of supplements you can trust for all your hormone needs.
Let’s take a look at the best and most well-researched supplements available for various types of hormonal support!
#1 – DIM (DIINDOLYLMETHANE). Found in cruciferous vegetables, DIM shows great promise for its ability to increase the body’s production of healthy estrogen while decreasing the bad. As both a phytonutrient and antioxidant, it prevents estrogenic cancers, alleviates symptoms of PMS as well as those experienced by those entering the menopause transition. While supporting a healthy metabolism, it can help your body to balance estrogen and testosterone levels while also aiding adrenal function and reducing chronic inflammation.
#2 – CHASTEBERRY (VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS), OR VITEX. Chasteberry supports hormonal activity especially low progesterone levels, possibly affecting the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, lowering imbalanced levels of prolactin, and also influencing several neurotransmitters in the body. For supporting symptoms of perimenopause and postmenopause as well as balancing emotional issues, many women have found success in combining it with Black Cohosh.
#3 – BLACK COHOSH (CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA) has been used in Native American natural healing to support a variety of health issues, but especially those related to the female reproductive system and childbirth. Known as Remifemin in Germany, it has found success as a supportive supplement for women dealing with PMS or menopause that influences serotonin receptors to ease hot flashes and regulate hormones. Use it with caution, however, since it is only recommended for 6-months at a time to prevent any potential side effects.
#4 – MAGNESIUM. Most people are deficient in this vital mineral, but magnesium is a crucial component that your hormones rely on. In addition to supporting many systems, it supports the HPA Axis by regulating healthy cortisol levels and protecting your body from the onslaught of toxins and free radicals. In turn, this helps to up your libido and promote fertility for a healthy reproductive system unencumbered by chronic stress levels. While you can do things like take an Epsom salt bath to support your body’s needs, a supplement is the easiest and fastest ways to maintain optimal levels in your body.
Essentially Whole Magnesium Restore is designed to deliver easy-to-absorb magnesium to your body so your cells can have exactly what they need (without uncomfortable side effects or digestive upset that many forms cause). Get it here!
#5 – B-COMPLEX VITAMINS (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12) are unsurpassed as vital components for optimum body functioning, especially to support healthy liver and adrenal function. Thiamin (B1), Ribloflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), and Cobalamin (B12) each play a vital role in our overall health, but especially post-menopausal when our libido may suffer. B-complex vitamins can help to reduce cortisol levels and keep your reproductive system functioning properly.
Essentially Whole Activated B Complete contains pure, methylated B vitamins in optimal proportions to deliver maximum benefit to your body! Get it here!
#6 – ASHWAGANDHA + RHODIOLA ROSEA. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) boasts the ability to combat chronic stress levels while restoring proper reproductive function, especially where sexy time is concerned. Other benefits include supporting memory and cognition as well as alleviating symptoms associated with depression and anxiety without side effects. Rhodiola rosea also helps to fight those stressors that plague the body to revitalize overall wellness as an adaptogenic herb. The body-mind connection greatly benefits from its rejuvenating properties to balance your mood and fight symptoms of fatigue or distress. Combining the two creates an amazing blend to sustain your energy and revitalize your mind, with overall body support.
#7 – OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS (DHA & EPA) play essential roles in our brain health and should be a regular part of our diets. Most people, however, do not get the bare-minimum 2 servings of fatty fish each week, necessitating a supplement to support optimum brain health. DHA strengthens brain function, while EPA reduces problematic inflammation, even helpful in those recovering from traumatic brain injuries. Both acids support transmission of messages from the CNS to the body.
# 8 – HOPS (HUMULUS LUPULUS L.) may sound like a surprising addition to this list, but this isn’t a free pass to go to the bar. In the female flowers of the hops plant is an amazingly potent phytoestrogen called 8-prenylnarigenin that mimics estrogen in your body. This supplement isn’t for everyone, especially those with estrogen dominance, but those facing perimenopause, when natural hormonal decline begins, may benefit. It can alleviate some of the horrid symptoms, while possibly stimulating the production of progesterone.
#9 – MACA (LEPIDUM MEYENII) is a root popular in the Peruvian diet due to its rich content of nutritional vitamins and minerals. It supports healthy reproductive function and alleviates symptoms of PMS and balancing hormones while working as a natural aphrodisiac. It can be very easily incorporated into your diet as a powder added to smoothies, making it a quick way to support your nutritional needs and hormonal balance.
#10 – PROBIOTICS are an excellent way to support your gut health, where 90% of the body’s serotonin production exists. Gut health is key, as it functions as our “second brain,” relaying many messages to the brain throughout the day. Chronic stress can cause digestive fatigue, so keeping it healthy will serve your body well. Probiotics are a great natural way to support the natural bacterial flora in your gut, but they aren’t all made the same. When choosing an effective probiotic, make sure to find one with 30-40 strains. And if you are trying to support a specific issue, choose one that has the specific strain listed for that issue. I also recommend adding probiotic-rich foods to your daily diet like; kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
Looking at a list of 10+ supplements can feel overwhelming. Where do you even start?!
That’s why I created a few stellar hormone-supporting supplement blends that you can use to harness the power of many of these powerful nutrients in one convenient package:
Essentially Whole Hormone Balance contains Magnesium, B vitamins, DIM, Chaste Tree, Black Cohosh, and more to create a hormone-loving powerhouse supplement—get it here!
Essentially Whole Adrenal Love contains key vitamins plus ashwagandha, rhodiola, and more botanicals and nutrients that will enhance adrenal health to maintain your hormone levels (especially in perimenopause and menopause) while boosting your energy, too! Get it here!
I have combined these 2 powerhouse blends into a Daily Energy and Hormone Support Bundle so you can easily get your body back into balance without synthetic treatments or dangerous drugs. Save 10% on the bundle here!
Each person has their own specific nutritional and dietary needs as well as special circumstances that will dictate what supplements may be the best for them, and I want you to be the best that you can be. In general, supplements are the safest and easiest way to restore balance to your body and relieve hormone-related symptoms, and the ones I outlined today are some of my favorites!
If you have pre-existing conditions or special concerns, please discuss adding these supplements to your regimen with a trusted provider. As I mentioned above, only use supplement sources you trust so you can ensure you’re getting exactly what you pay for. Essentially Whole supplements are triple-checked for quality and potency, so you can be confident in making this investment in your health! Shop the whole line here today!
What supplements are good for hormonal imbalance?
Most hormonal imbalances are linked to deficiencies in several key nutrients, so I recommend everyone take Magnesium, B complex vitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids, and probiotics to make sure your body has the building blocks it needs to work its best. Beyond these, several adaptogens and herbal supplements like DIM, Vitex, Black Cohosh, Maca, Hops, Ashwagandha, and Rhodiola are powerful aids to promote happy hormones.
How do you know if you have hormone imbalance?
Hormone imbalances is a wide term that can mean a lot of different things. While period issues, severe PMS, migraines, hot flashes, lagging libido, and other similar issues are what most of us recognize as “hormone problems,” it really goes much further. Lack of energy, brain fog, sleep problems, digestive distress, stubborn weight, and skin issues (among many other symptoms) are also all tied to your hormones.
What are the best supplements for women?
Every woman is unique, and there’s not a one-size-fits-all pill I can recommend. A couple that I believe EVERY woman needs are Magnesium, B complex vitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids, and Probiotics. But if you have specific hormone concerns, DIM, Vitex, Black Cohosh, Maca, Hops, Ashwagandha, and Rhodiola can all be helpful aids to get you feeling your best.