Americans spend more than a $1 billion a year on fish oil supplements. Is that money well-spent? Or wasted funds that purchase contaminated capsules?
First of all, let’s do away with the myth that fish oil is a dangerous source of mercury and other contaminants. Lab tests repeatedly show that fish oil supplements are, in fact, safely purified. They do not contain appreciable amounts of mercury or any other heavy metal.
However, it you get fish oil supplements and leave them to expire, the oil can go rancid. That’s why I prefer to go directly to the source and enjoy wild Alaskan Salmon which are considered to have very low levels of mercury.
Another fish oil myth I’ve read a lot about centers around prostate cancer. A good friend, Dr. Isaac Eliaz, addressed controversial research that seemed to link omega-3s to a higher cancer risk. He and a growing number of physicians feel that research may have been flawed. You can read what he has to say about it here. And last spring I wrote an article about research in which omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil were found to slow the growth of prostate cancer cells.
So, all concerns aside, if these have been the only thing standing between you and the extreme benefits of fish oil, get ready for a major health boost…
Benefits of Omega-3s from fish oil
The main two beneficial fats in fish oil are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This pair of omega-3 fatty acids is crucial for health. They are essential for shaping the membranes of brain cells, they play key roles in cell division and they help control harmful inflammation.
If you are lacking omega-3s, and most vegetables oils have just about none (they mostly consist of what are called omega-6 fats), you may be more prone to heart disease, arthritis, cancer and memory problems.
But there are so many potential benefits for fish oil, it’s tough to even mention them all.
For instance, research at the Indiana University School of Medicine shows that fish oil can help you control your thirst for alcoholic beverages and improve your emotional control.
“We believe a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids may help the treatment and prevention of bipolar disorder, and may help with alcoholism as well,” says researcher Alexander B. Niculescu.
Fish oil can also make your bones stronger. Research at the University of Bristol, in England, shows that fish oil can slow down or even stop completely, the bone thinning process called osteoporosis.
According to researcher John Tarlton – “Most diets in the developed world are lacking in omega-3, with modern diets having up to 30 times too much omega-6 and too little omega-3. Taking omega-3 will help redress this imbalance and may positively contribute to a range of other health problems such as heart disease and colitis.”
I think the wealth of information and studies collected on the benefits of fish oil are irrefutable. Personally, in my life, it’s made a world of difference. It’s soothed inflammation and decreased pain from arthritis, and I wouldn’t give it up for anything. I hope any concerns you may have had are waylaid and you plan to make it an integral part of your health arsenal.