Posted on: April 3, 2024 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects 30 million men in the United States, and the risk of the condition increases with age. By age 40, men are at 40 percent risk of developing ED, and that risk soars to 70 percent by age 70.

ED is often thought of as being a sexual problem. But the truth is those symptoms don’t just signal trouble in the bedroom…

Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection can be a marker of high blood pressure and poor blood flow both of which may be connected to heart problems. It can also be an indication of type 2 diabetes or vitamin D deficiency.

Several lifestyle factors can also impact a man’s ability to achieve an erection. They include:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Diet
  • Obesity
  • Stress

Unfortunately, now there’s a popular leisure-time activity to add to that roster….

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Leisure time on the computer and risk for ED

Research has linked genetic variants to sedentary behavior, including activities like watching television, using computers, and operating a vehicle.

Oddly enough, a new analysis has linked higher genetic susceptibility to one of these activities — leisure computer usage — to a greater risk of ED in men.

Researchers analyzed data on more than 200,000 men and found that each 1.2-hour increase in leisure computer time increased the odds of ED by 3.57-fold.

Interestingly, no evidence linked watching television or driving for leisure with an increased risk for ED.

In addition, computer use wasn’t linked with depression, anxiety or markers of blood vessel health. However, it was associated with lower levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which plays a role in sexual health and reproduction in both males and females.

The researchers say the study “offered substantial evidence for a positive causal association between computer use and the risk of erectile dysfunction.” However, further research is needed to substantiate that causal association.

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Avoiding ED symptoms

Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to avoid symptoms of ED. Here are just a few:

  • Boost your nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide (or NO) is a molecule that supports the widening of the blood vessels for healthy blood flow, head to toe and everywhere in between. The easiest way to up your nitric oxide is to get naturally occurring dietary nitrates in your diet from beets or beetroot powder or spinach.
  • Exercise regularly. The best way to counteract a sedentary lifestyle is to move your body. Some research shows exercise may help increase follicle-stimulating hormone.
  • Clean up your diet. The Mediterranean diet is loaded with fresh fruits, veggies, fish and nuts, all of which help support heart and blood vessel health. They can also help raise testosterone levels to combat ED further. In fact, the Mediterranean diet has been shown to improve erectile dysfunction by up to 40 percent!
  • Maintain healthy vitamin D levels. One study found that almost 46 percent of men with arteriogenic ED (a condition where the arteries don’t supply enough blood to the penis to support an erection) were deficient in vitamin D. So make sure you’re getting enough sunlight every day, or that you’re taking a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement.
  • Take vitamin K2. This nutrient promotes good heart and blood vessel health and can be found in foods such as natto, butter, egg yolks, certain cheeses, fermented foods like sauerkraut, eel and beef liver.


Does sedentary leisure time affect men’s risk of erectile dysfunction? — EurekAlert!

A Mendelian randomization study on causal effects of leisure sedentary behavior on the risk of erectile dysfunction — Andrology

Definition & Facts for Erectile Dysfunction — National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Erectile Dysfunction — Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education

Top Foods High in Vitamin K2 — WebMD

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