Increase bone mass…avoid fracture…eliminate pain…without drugs or HRT!!
There are two ways the medical world deals with osteoporosis. The first way is estrogen hormone replacement therapy. The second is a drug called alendronate sodium. Each way has its different pros and cons, but they both have one thing in common: suspect performance, fraught with side effects which, at times, can be as bad–or worse–as the evil they’re meant to prevent.
Estrogen therapy is dangerous because the amount of estrogen needed to stave off osteoporosis is also sufficient to bring about excessive bleeding, breast pain, and an alarmingly increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
“Low dose estrogen therapy,” aimed at reducing those risks, like so many compromises, falls flat. It may ward off hot flashes and other hormone-associated symptoms–but alas, it won’t prevent osteoporosis.
Evista (raloxifene) appears to be effective in helping prevent osteoporosis. Unfortunately, it does it while driving the risk of serious blood clot formation sky high and bringing back menstrual periods in postmenopausal women. Worse yet, the very FDA panel that approved the drug noted that risks of breast cancer have not been ruled out.
Luckily, you may not need either of them.
Soy’s latest healing secret
Soy contains natural chemicals that have been shown to protect against many types of cancer and coronary artery disease, boost immune system function and relieve symptoms of menopause. To those miracles, a new one has now been added: the osteoporosis killer.
The substance is called ipriflavone. Over 60 human clinical studies in Europe and Japan have brought to light an amazing discovery. Not only was ipriflavone shown to have the power to bring about a significant reduction in vertebral bone loss, studies at the Budapest University have proven it actually reverses bone damage and dramatically reduces pain.
Another study from the University of Bologna, Italy showed that when added to the regimen of women undergoing hormone replacement therapy, ipriflavone causes a significant boost in bone density, far and beyond that achieved on estrogen alone.
But perhaps more significant than anything, ipriflavone has shown not to cause estrogenic activity in any other organs other than the bones! But of course, always check with your doctor and be sure to have your blood counts monitored while taking ipriflavone.
The meaning of all that is very clear: Ipriflavone is a radical breakthrough in the fight against osteoporosis. Ipriflavone can–and does–help to mitigate the trauma and pain of osteoporosis and prevents unnecessary deaths.