When you eat the typical Western diet, emphasizing heavy animal proteins and processed foods, you create acidity that adds to your health woes. Even worse, eating these foods regularly can increase the levels of toxins in your body, while causing significant wear and tear on other systems, particularly digestion.
By understanding the impact your diet has on your overall health in terms of pH (acid/alkaline) balance, it becomes clear that an alkaline diet can offer numerous benefits for long-term wellness and vitality.
The main point here is that we want our bodies to be in an alkaline state most of the time. We can do this by eating a diet composed mostly of alkaline-forming foods, by using alkaline drops in our water, by de-stressing, and of course by avoiding as much as possible acid-forming foods, smoking and drugs (even prescription, as possible). Overall, we can greatly reduce our chronic inflammatory and pain states with an alkaline lifestyle, and return to a better quality of life and feel more vibrant once again.
Check out these articles for more information on balancing your body chemistry with an alkaline diet for a longer, healthier life.
Diseases like cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. But an acidic body does allow cancer cells to proliferate. Many other diseases, including arthritis, emphysema, and diabetes can begin, progress faster and thrive in an acidic environment.
The state of your health starts with the foods you eat. If your meals contain mostly meat, refined and overly processed foods, and simple carbohydrates, your body may become overly acidic. To be truly healthy, you need meals filled with the fruits and vegetables that promote the proper balance of acidity and alkalinity.
It makes sense that adopting a dietary lifestyle of ongoing alkalinization can encourage smaller quantities of toxins to be removed from our bodies on a daily basis. Fruits and vegetables high in alkalinizing minerals, and supplements, can get you on track.
Image source: rawayurveda.com