Superfoods can help you restore and maintain great health! Why? Because they’re densely-packed powerhouse sources of superior nutrients — most often ones your body can’t make or doesn’t make enough of on its own — like disease-fighting antioxidants.
Eating superfoods regularly is a good way to promote your general well-being and possibly reduce your risk for certain diseases.
From pumpkin and olive oil to walnuts, kale and spinach, these superfoods are quite SUPER for a reason. Be sure to incorporate them into any diet and find yourself less susceptible to illness!
It’s a fruit, it’s a vegetable… it’s a superfood! Have you discovered the great health contained in berries that boost your wellness? Find out why researchers are stunned by how these tiny, tasty wonders can protect the heart, preserve the brain and declare the body off-limits to free radical damage.
Your body is like a finely tuned biological clock. And there’s an important nutrient that can help it “take a licking” as the old Timex commercial used to say, and protect you from cancer, heart disease, inflammation and other maladies.
The natural flavors in Indian food do more than sparkle on the tongue, they make your health sparkle, too. Here’s a guide to the remarkable ways Indian spices can help your body fight inflammation, cancer and heart disease.
Sometimes the most potent health power derives from the littlest berries. A small berry, whose vines can live to be 150 years old, have been found to contain natural substances that may increase our longevity by working against diabetes and heart disease.
It’s easy to think of food as just … food. But as you age, you can use food to boost your bone health, heart health, and to fight cancer and memory loss.
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