When your head is pounding or your back is aching, it’s tempting to reach for a bottle of ibuprofen or aspirin to get some temporary relief. And for a moment you may feel better, but that pain-free moment comes at a cost…
That’s because nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, aspirin, Tylenol and Aleve are not just killing your pain, they’re killing the cells of one of your most vital organs.
Scientists have known for a while that both over-the-counter and prescription NSAIDs increase your risk of strokes and heart attacks, but a recent study really got to the bottom of their heart-harming effects: They found that NSAIDs attack the mitochondria in heart cells making it harder for the cells to produce energy.
That’s a big problem because even though mitochondria are small structures within cells — they play a large role in keeping you alive. These organelles are the powerhouses of the body, microscopic laborers that generate the energy to contract and relax muscles and fuel other physiological activities. It is in the mitochondria that the body combines nutrients with oxygen to keep your body’s largest muscle — your heart — pumping.
When NSAIDs attack
When NSAIDs attack mitochondria, it leads to the creation of reactive oxygen species (which are known to cause heart disease) and prevents your cells from naturally disposing of damaged or unneeded proteins. Eventually this results in a toxic buildup that causes cardiac cells to die.
Even the safest of NSAIDs, naproxen (otherwise known as Aleve, Midol, etc.), has some pretty serious consequences when taken long-term. This so-called “safe” NSAID still attacked heart cell mitochondria, increased the production of reactive oxygen species in heart cells and increased the chance of stroke.
But prescription NSAIDs are definitely the most dangerous. Meclofenamate sodium, which is often used to treat joint pain and arthritis, not only increased reactive oxygen species and impaired mitochondrial function but also contributed to toxicity that caused cardiac cells to die.
“We were surprised to see that many of the NSAIDs we tested were causing the cardiac cell to die when used for prolonged periods,” said Aldrin Gomes, a UC Davis associate professor of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior and co-author of the study. “Some people are taking these drugs too often, and this is a problem. These drugs are abused.”
Danger-free solutions to be pain free
It makes sense when you hurt to want relief. But choosing danger-free and effective natural treatments for pain is the better option. Thankfully, there are many different remedies for what ails you…
If you’re dealing with a headache, essential oils like peppermint and lavender oil have been known to provide relief. Peppermint oil, for example, has the ability to open and close blood vessels, which can promote blood flow to the head and get rid of headaches. Acupuncture is also a great way to alleviate pain—especially if you have chronic pain in your lower back. Other natural pain relievers include feverfew, capsaicin, devil’s claw and willow bark (the natural form of aspirin).
But one last note on NSAIDs: If you feel like you have to occasionally take them, you can try to diminish the heart-harming effects of NSAIDs by taking an antioxidant like vitamin C beforehand. Researchers said this may help prevent the pain reliever from killing your cardiac cells.
Source: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-04-heartbreaking-anti-inflammatory-drugs.html