As you age, you lose flexibility. All you need to do is look at any number of seniors hunched over or leaning on canes and walkers to see how much range of motion you can lose over time. But you can hold onto yours…
One of the best ways to improve and maintain range of motion is to stretch. Today, wellness coach Shishir Inocalla will show you two lower body limbering exercises that will release tension and improve movement in the hips, lower back and spine. These are a continuation of lower body stretches I’ve shared previously: 6 yoga poses for a supple body and stretches that relieve tension and pain.
Full Butterfly
Bring your feet together so the soles are touching. Hold the bottom of your feet and elongate your spine. Extend upward to stretch the hip joints and spine. Hold for 20-30 seconds.
Now bend forward, trying to touch your chest to your feet, to stretch the lower back and hips. Hold for 20-30 seconds.
Slowly sit up and gently bounce your knees to “fly like a butterfly.”
Full Twist
Gently extend your legs forward, one at a time. Allow ample time to relax the joints and release any muscle tension that may be active from the previous position.
Place your right foot along the outer edge of your left knee. Placing your foot on the floor will make your knee bend, which is what you want.
Hug your knee, bringing it toward your chest to create a nice stretch in your hips and buttocks. Relax into this position as you hold it for 20-30 seconds.
Now ease into the full twist stretch by turning to your left and placing your left arm over your right knee. Place the palm of your right hand behind your right hip and look over your right shoulder. This will help you get a deeper stretch while also maintaining balance.
Try to keep your spine and head erect as they are twisting, and relax into this position for 20-30 seconds.
Relax back to center by gently extending both legs forward again and shaking them out. After a moment to release any tension, repeat on the opposite side.
Place your left foot along the outer edge of your right knee. Placing your foot on the floor will make your knee bend, which is what you want.
Hug your knee, bringing it toward your chest to create a nice stretch in your hip and buttocks. Relax into this position as you hold it for 20-30 seconds.
Now ease into the full twist stretch by turning to your right and placing your right arm over your left knee. Place the palm of your left hand behind your left hip and look over your left shoulder. This will help you get a deeper stretch while also maintaining balance.
Try to keep your spine and head erect as they are twisting, and relax into this position for 20-30 seconds.
Relax back to center and feel how open your hips, buttocks, low back and spine feel.