Push-ups are one of the most basic exercises you can do for arm and upper body strength. They’re also the hardest if you don’t have strong arms. But how do you get there? Baby steps…
In today’s video, Tema from Potentia Personal Training will share with you a series of three beginner’s push-ups, starting out easy and progressing to more difficult to help you strengthen your arms. The trick is to start where you are and to use the correct progression of movement and technique to get you where you want to be…
Exercise 1 – Wall Push-ups
In this first exercise all you need is a sturdy door or wall that can hold your body weight.
Face the wall, placing your hands against it shoulder width apart. Press your weight into the floor through the balls of your feet.
The further away your feet are to the wall the more weight will load onto your arms, and thus the more difficult the push-up.
From here, simply bend your arms and bring your chest toward the wall. Doing three sets of 10 wall push-ups is a great way to begin adding pushups into your workout.
Exercise 2 – Raised push-ups
This second variation on beginner’s push-ups utilizes a bench, couch or coffee table… any solid object that is elevated.
Place your hands securely on the elevated surface (in the video Tema uses a chair), making sure your arms are below your shoulders for support.
Walk your feet out to a plank, or elevated push-up position, pressing your weight into the floor through the balls of your feet.
Squeeze your butt and keep your core tight as you lower your body and do 10 push-ups. Three sets will do you great!
Exercise 3 – Table-top or knee push-ups
You will do this one from your knees, so you may want to use a yoga mat or extra blanket under you for added comfort.
If you begin from Table Top position, you are on your knees and feet are also touching the floor. Or you can do with ankles crossed and feet up off the floor. Whichever you find better matched to your skill and needs.
Squeeze your glutes (butt muscles) and pull your navel up and lower your chest to the ground, keeping your elbows by your side.
Three sets of 10 push-ups is a good set to shoot for.
To recap, this set of three beginner’s push-ups is a great way to begin developing chest, shoulders and upper back strength and endurance. You can begin with three sets of one or do one set each of all three push-up exercises. Again, the progression of difficulty is: 1) Standing Wall Push-ups, 2) Elevated Push-ups, and 3) Kneeling Push-ups.
Have fun!