Before you start that diet you promised yourself this year, be sure to prime your body to make the best of it by resetting your digestive system.
Even if you aren’t among the millions of Americans who suffer obvious symptoms from digestive difficulties like constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, consuming a modern American diet means you likely aren’t getting enough fiber.
Over time, that lack of fiber can slow down your digestive processes leading to toxic buildup in the colon that contributes to a number of health problems ranging from minor symptoms like sluggishness and mental fog to big problems like cancer.
That’s not surprising considering that your gut regulates levels of your body’s “key survival” antioxidant—glutathione—which fights a host of disease. But that’s not all…
Combine low fiber intake with regular use of prescription painkillers and other medications that impact your natural metabolism and the problems worsen. So much so that you could pack on an additional 30 pounds a year according to this post.
The good news is that you can reset your colon and give your body a boost for long-term digestive—and overall—health with a simple colon-cleansing protocol.
Resetting your gut
First, you need to think about your diet. Remember that lack of fiber combined with heavy consumption of processed foods is a recipe for digestive dysfunction.
If you really want to kick your gut into high gear, consider adhering to a diet of only high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains for a week or two. There’s plenty of research which suggests that vegetarians enjoy better overall digestive health— including reduced rates of obesity— than the general population.
As you gradually return to a regular diet and reintroduce healthy lean meats and oily fish, especially, to your diet, a natural supplement containing colon cleansing ingredients can help to maintain the plant-based digestive boost you’ve just experienced.
Choosing which supplement to go with can be difficult because there is no shortage of colon-cleansing products on the market. But, buyer beware, they aren’t all created equal. For the best results, you need to carefully read supplement labels to make sure these safe, key ingredients are present:
- Psyllium Husks — often used alone in supplements designed to boost dietary fiber, this amazing plant product swells when mixed with water in your digestive tract – stimulating your intestines to contract and speed up the passage of waste.
- Flax Seed — another excellent source of fiber, this ancient seed is also loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that reduce digestive inflammation and contribute to better nutrient absorption.
- Licorice Root — the bitter properties of this medicinal root stimulate bile production to help break down the foods you eat.
- Senna Leaves — from an Asian plant used to relieve constipation for centuries, these leaves help to stimulate muscles and improve water absorption in your colon to aid in waste elimination.
- Cascara Sagrada — another mild colon stimulant, Native Americans first began using this tree bark to treat digestive disorders.
- Aloe Vera Gel — 200 active components— including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and fatty acids — make this succulent plant product a healing powerhouse which can reduce digestive inflammation and help regulate elimination cycles.
- L. Acidophilus — these good gut bacteria you’ve heard so much about are vital to kicking off the digestive process in your small intestine.
Your gut may be the single most important organ for keeping you healthy and disease free. Treat it well and the rewards can be great.