My husband has asthma. He’s a first responder which puts him in close contact with a lot of people daily.
We recently found out my oldest son doesn’t make the proper antibodies to protect him from respiratory infection after four bouts of tonsillitis last spring.
The diagnosis was honestly no shock since he’s been prone to catching everything going around since he was a little kid.
He was recently given the PPSV23 — the Pneumococcal Vaccine, usually reserved for adults 65 and older. He’s 20.
A friend has sleep apnea and wears a CPAP device every night to sleep.
Another friend’s father has COPD and was recently diagnosed with cancer.
Perhaps you, a family member or a friend also suffer from one of these ailments that make breathing harder than normal.
What do all of these people have in common? They are all at increased risk of complications from COVID-19. This virus hits those with lung-related health concerns harder than the general population.
If you are 60 and older or have one of these conditions, it’s important you take the risk of this virus very seriously.
Regardless of risk, we’re all in this together
Even if you don’t have a risk factor and are younger than 60, you need to follow the guidance of the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) because even if you don’t experience any symptoms, you could spread the virus to those you love who are in these higher-risk categories.
We all owe it to each other to work together to reduce transmission as much as possible by taking these important guidelines for the crucial weeks ahead seriously…
- Avoid crowds and crowded areas such as restaurants, bars, and public transportation as much as possible. Current federal recommendations say avoid group activities with 10 or more people.
- Practice social distancing of at least 6 feet when in the company of others. That means respecting people’s personal space and not standing right behind someone when in line at the grocery store or pharmacy.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds. Especially after you’ve been in public, after you’ve coughed or sneezed, and gone to the bathroom. Avoid touching faucets and doorknobs after washing while in public to avoid re-contaminating your hands.
- Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
- Don’t touch your face with unwashed hands! I know this is hard, but it is extremely important that you keep this in mind at all times. I carry a small packet of tissues in the event I have an itch that is unbearable.
- Stock up on any food and supplies you’ll need in the event you experience quarantine. Don’t think it can’t happen to you… it’s happening all across the world. If you’re elderly or fall into a high-risk category, have someone else do the shopping for you or have what you need delivered.
- And most of all, take good care of yourself. Eat well and avoid sugar and flour, alcohol, smoking, and processed food.
- Get some extra sleep. Try to remain calm and reduce stress as best you can. Take breaks from the news and spend some time outside in the sunshine to ramp up vitamin D production.
- Don’t forget to exercise. The benefits of exercise for your health, mood, outlook, energy, and longevity are off the charts.
If you’re looking for better breathing, more energy, oxygen, and stamina so you can exercise…
Let me tell you about a group of nutrients that just might hit the spot…
1. Dimethylglycine (or DMG)
This “unsung hero” of the nutritional world is created by your liver from the amino acid glycine. It’s involved in at least 41 different processes in your body and is needed by every single cell. Your body can’t create certain hormones, neurotransmitters or even DNA without it.
But as important as that is, nothing tops DMG’s ability to help support healthy oxygen levels in your body as well as help optimize oxygen utilization in your cells, organs, and tissues. The increased (and better-used) oxygen helps support a healthy heart, brain, and lungs — to help invigorate your entire body.
2. Nitrosigine®
This patented complex of L-arginine and silicon works hand-in-hand to support healthy blood vessels and circulation. The silicon — well-known in scientific circles for its ability to help support strong connective tissue in the skin and bones — also helps support soft and flexible blood vessels. And that sets the stage for L-arginine to do its work…
L-arginine is converted into a tiny gas molecule called nitric oxide (NO) in your endothelium (the lining of your blood vessels). NO is the substance that triggers your blood vessels to open and relax allowing more oxygen and blood to flow freely to your heart, lungs, and brain.
In a 2014 study, Nitrosigine® was found to raise levels of arginine in just 30 minutes… increase NO levels for participants… and support healthy circulation, artery strength, and flexibility, plus cardiovascular health.
3. Di-Indole Methane (DIM)
This phytonutrient is found in cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, and cauliflower. It supports a hormone imbalance called “estrogen dominance.”
Estrogen dominance occurs when you’re exposed to man-made chemicals called Xenoestrogens found in the air, water, food, homes and even automobiles. They act like estrogen in the body which can upset natural hormone balance.
There is a known relationship between estrogen metabolism and virus. And there is evidence that DIM has anti-viral properties in addition to its support of estrogen dominance, but additional research is needed.
You’ll find all these nutrients combined in Peak Maximum Endurance™.
My husband has been a runner all his life… but in recent years his shortness of breath has slowed him down, and he just can’t run as far as he could just a few years ago.
That’s because just getting older makes breathing more difficult — put simply, the longer you live, the more your lung capacity and oxygen output declines.
According to a study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information…
“Vital capacity decreases with age due to physiological and, anatomical and immunological changes that weaken the respiratory system over time. The lungs mature at age 20 to 25 and then progressively decline.”
By the time you’re in your 50s, 60s, 70s and older, you’re not optimizing your oxygen levels like you did decades earlier…
It’s the reason my husband can’t run as far as he used to, why his breathing is more labored and why he doesn’t recover as fast as he used to.
He is simply more winded and fatigued than when he was younger.
Many people blame this problem on poor circulation, but without oxygen, you have no circulation at all. It’s oxygenated blood that circulates and fuels your cells. With Peak Maximum Endurance™ you can…
- Beat fatigue and get off the couch. That means more get up and go!
- Optimize oxygen to support better breathing and optimize oxygen in your bloodstream.
- Move easier and improve physical agility for better balance and less risk of a slip or fall.
- Improve your mood and support thinking, learning and focus.
- Exercise longer and recover faster which means more fun and less time on the sidelines.
My husband swears by Peak Maximum Endurance™ to keep him going, working, working out and doing the activities he loves. He takes it every day before his morning workout. And recommends it to friends that, like him, need a little extra oomph.
And he suggested I recommend it to you to help you keep your “get up and go” in these trying times… so you can lace up your sneakers and head out the door… even if just for a refreshing walk or a change of scenery.
For a limited time, when you buy 6 bottles of Peak Maximum Endurance™ you’ll get 6 more bottles FREE. Plus free shipping!
That way you can make this effective energy-boosting, stamina-enhancing, oxygen-supporting nutrient a part of your health and wellness strategy right away.
I realize times are really stressful, especially for folks who are cooped up and worried about their own risk due to age or a pre-existing condition or that of a loved one. With a little discipline and healthy doses of voluntary social distancing and hand washing, we’ll get through this together.
And who knows… we may all be a little bit healthier for it.
Also, if you are truly stressed or anxious, reach out and talk with someone. Just because you may not be able to meet face to face doesn’t mean you can’t stay in touch with Facetime or Skype. Take the time to catch up with old friends, check on loved ones and maybe even mend fences. Remember, life is short and human connection is by far the best medicine.