You’ve heard by now how dangerous painkilling drugs are. Maybe you believe the warnings, maybe not.
Well, a man taking pain pills for a French clinical trial died after being left brain dead because of serious side-effects. Five others are still in the hospital after taking part in tests for the new painkiller.
All the young men, who were age 28 to 49, were healthy when they started taking the new pill, and they had all already taken part in trials with no moderate or serious reactions before.
The new pill was supposed to treat pain, soothe anxiety, improve mood and ease problems linked to neurodegenerative illnesses.
Instead, it kills people.
This is not new.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), between the years 1999 and 2010, there was an enormous rise in deaths from prescription painkillers. Women fared much worse than men, with a 415 percent increase in deaths; men had a 265 percent increase in deaths.
Let’s be clear: These are deaths of folks who were prescribed and took Food and Drug Administration-approved painkillers for pain conditions that could otherwise have been relieved by natural methods.
It’s unfortunate that people think their over-the-counter pain drugs are much safer. Advil and Tylenol are drugs. And when toxicologists at Banner University Medical Center in Phoenix studied the calls placed to U.S. poison control centers over the past 10 years, they found that the active ingredients in these drugs lead to the most calls to poison centers because of overdoses.
In fact nine retailers, including CVS and Rite Aid, have recalled two flavors of children’s liquid cold medicine because of the risk of overdose of painkilling medicine.
Fortunately, you don’t have to become a victim of the pain drug industry. Nature has given us hundreds of ways to relive pain so you can get back to living your life. Here are just three that work as well or better than drugs:
Olive fruit oil was the symbol of the Roman goddess of health and medicine. Roman gladiators and Olympic athletes used olive fruit oil to ease aches and pains after battle and competition.
Studies show olive fruit oil reduces inflammation and has a significant analgesic (pain reducing) effect. The other benefits of olive fruit oil have been known for thousands of years. It’s an anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory fever reducer that also relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure..
Make sure the extract you buy has a high concentration of the active component oleuropein. Also, you can also make a tea by steeping 1 tsp. of dried olive leaves in 1 cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes.
Boswellia serrata has been used as a traditional Ayurvedic remedy for inflammatory conditions. It is extracted from the gum of the Indian boswellia tree and has been used for centuries to treat joint pain and inflammation. Research now shows that the acids contained within boswellia extract stop the formation of immune cells known as leukotrienes, which are responsible for inflammation. This action then allows blood to flow unobstructed to the joints for healing and improved mobility.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids like those found so abundantly in krill oil are proven to reduce inflammation. Research shows omega-3s from krill relive pain and alleviate morning stiffness, cause joint tissue regeneration and even relieve some of the difficulties of autoimmune disease like RA, lupus and psoriasis.
Editor’s note: Are toxins weighing you down? Get Dr. Cutler’s FREE e-book, “Doctors’ Inside Secrets for Natural Cleansing and Detoxification.” Just click here and you can get a FREE download right away. Absolutely no purchase necessary.