Every organ in the human body is miraculous. Although each has a specific function, they work together as a remarkable team.
But just like on the football field, you have your MVPs — and you have those players that, if they spent the entirety of the game on the sidelines, the season would go on.
Your appendix might be a bench sitter. Even your spleen and gallbladder could sit the game out. And it’s even possible to continue without a stomach, a kidney or a colon. It’s certainly not optimal by any means, but it’s possible.
Your liver, though, is no bench-sitter.
It’s responsible for performing hundreds of functions… from breaking down fat for energy and metabolizing nutrients and medications so your body can use them — to creating and regulating several hormones… as well as enzymes and proteins necessary for digestion and even blood clotting.
But your liver is also your body’s main detoxifying organ. To say the least, that’s a lot of pressure.
Under a constant assault by chemicals, toxins and a diet heavy in processed foods — a tired, overworked liver can struggle to do it all. It will switch to “life support mode” and put housekeeping on the back burner.
The toxins and fat begin to build, and your liver is no longer playing like an MVP. The result? Up to 100 million Americans with undiagnosed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, for starters.
Luckily, your liver has a teammate whose main goal is making sure it’s up to sacking those inescapable threats…
Your liver’s best friend
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is derived from an amino acid in the body that is essential for producing antioxidants. Without NAC, you’d have difficulty refilling your stores of glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant.
NAC activates glutathione, which “primes” the function of T cells and natural killer cells, making them better able to deal with viruses and bacteria. A big deal, right? But that’s not all…
NAC is a powerful detoxifier. In fact, if you are ever rushed to the ER for an acetaminophen (Tylenol) overdose, doctors will immediately administer an I.V. dose of N-acetyl cysteine.
With NAC, your liver gains a powerful ally, capable of tackling multiple health threats, including those that come with age.
Previous research has shown that because NAC can help the body maintain adequate glutathione levels, it may help prevent the routine metabolic decline associated with aging.
According to the author of that study, “I’m optimistic there could be a role for this compound in preventing the increased toxicity we face with aging, as our abilities to deal with toxins decline. We might be able to improve the metabolic resilience that we’re naturally losing with age.”
Getting NAC on your team
NAC is a free agent. In other words, providing your body with NAC is as simple as finding the right supplement.
That’s because NAC isn’t found in any food sources. However, eating high-protein foods provides your body with cysteine, which is a precursor to NAC.
For that reason, some health practitioners will tell you it’s not necessary to supplement NAC. However, the study I referenced above found that in mice experiencing toxic stress, the cells of older mice were depleted of glutathione, and they died twice as fast as younger mice.
NAC has also been around for a long time and has been used as a medication, so it’s considered quite safe. But always choose supplements from a reputable manufacturer and never take more than is recommended.
If you bleed easily, have cystinuria (a condition that causes kidney stones) or take nitroglycerine, don’t supplement NAC without talking to your doctor first.