The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends: “Adults who are 65 years of age or older and who have not previously received PCV13, (sic) should receive a dose of PCV13 first, followed 6 to 12 months later by a dose of PPSV23. If you have already received one or more doses of PPSV23, the dose of PCV13 should be given at least 1 year after you got your most recent dose of PPSV23.” The question is: Why should senior adults take this vaccine for pneumonia?
The CDC claims on its website that “[i]n a study including approximately 85,000 adults 65 years or older in the Netherlands, PCV13 was 75% effective at preventing invasive pneumococcal disease and 45% effective at preventing pneumococcal pneumonia caused by the serotypes included in the vaccine” and that “Pneumovax®, the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine that includes 23 serotypes, has been shown to be 50-85% effective in preventing invasive disease caused by those 23 serotypes in adults with healthy immune systems.” Curiously, it doesn’t make these studies available.
But a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Feb. 17 paints a different picture while still toeing the establishment line about the need for vaccinations.
The JAMA article and the recommendations by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices for those aged 65 and over to be vaccinated — and parroted by the CDC — are based on a yet-to-be published trial conducted by CAPITA. CAPITA, by the way, is funded by drug maker Pfizer. Guess who manufactures PCV13. That’s right; it’s Pfizer.
For those who are reading carefully, the JAMA article provides some really important information. It’s information that exposes the FDA, the CDC and the government’s Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices as the frauds they are.
David Brownstein, M.D., notes on his blog: “The JAMA article (states), “Based on the immunogenicity studies and CAPITA, one model estimates that the number needed to vaccinate was 27,800.” That means, to prevent one case of invasive pneumococcal disease, you need to vaccinate 27,800 subjects. In other words, the vaccine failed 99.99% of the subjects who received it (27,799/27,800). To prevent community acquired pneumonia, the number-needed to vaccinate was 1,620. At least the numbers are better here—the vaccine only failed 99.94% of those who took it (1,619/1,620). The JAMA article summarized these findings by stating, “This (new) guideline can be implemented broadly in a variety of settings.”
Previously, Brownstein noted: “The author states, ‘At this point, the potential effect of the vaccine (PCV13) can only be inferred.’ Hmmmm. Only inferred, yet the new guidelines already recommend every adult over the age of 50 should receive it. We must be in Wonderland, with Alice, where down is up and up is down.”
Bottom line: The FDA, CDC and Advisory Committee all recommend American adults get a vaccine containing harmful toxins like aluminum and phenol even though it is 99.9 percent ineffective.
The medical mafia is an organized crime syndicate bent on destruction and murder. The medical mafia commits many overt crimes with the complicity and blind obedience of doctors. A big example is these mass vaccination and immunization programs. These billions of poison toxins certainly are big factors in population control.
The evils of vaccinations and immunizations have delayed manifestations, except for some immediate deaths and disabilities. The point is that the years between vaccinations and immunizations blur cause and effect so that the public never sees the deadly harm of these medical mafia inoculations. It is a crime evolving imperceptibly and subclinically.
Additionally, the U.S. government promotes and protects the organized crime of the FDA and CDC and by protecting their pals at Big Pharma with policies that ban private lawsuits against drug companies in state courts once a drug and its label have been approved by the FDA. It’s a giant protection racket for their financiers at big Pharma. This is simply outrageous!