The proliferation of alternative news sites on the internet is slowly but surely breaking through the firewall of conventional medical authority, which for years tightly controlled the press, medical publications and the medical profession. People are now able to see through the scam of modern medicine, which is a system of treating symptoms and seeking profits rather than cures.
A growing trend among Americans — especially among caucasians and in higher educated more affluent people of all races, and those who had private health insurance — is the use of a combination of conventional and alternative medicine (CAM). These patients understand that most medicines simply mask disease rather than attack illness at its source. So in addition to seeing allopathic doctors for health issues, patients are also seeing naturopathic and holistic practitioners and chiropractic doctors for treatment of their ailments.
This has to be unsettling news to the medical establishment. In its October 2016 issue, the journal Pediatrics has a study that determined that children whose parents used CAM as opposed to conventional medicine were less likely to receive the influenza vaccine. Or, in the words of the study, those children “are vulnerable to lower annual uptake of influenza vaccination.”
Also from the report:
CAM is mostly used in conjunction with conventional medicine for prevention of diseases and to improve health and well-being and thus should not, in theory, interfere with vaccination uptake. However, CAM has been implicated as lending support to antivaccine/vaccine-hesitant viewpoints via criticism of vaccination, public health, and conventional medicine from adults using CAM, as well as from CAM practitioners and practitioners-in-training. Even among CAM practitioners who generally support the concept of vaccination, a majority report they recommend a vaccine schedule different from the standard schedule put forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
But rather than provide constructive information, like a comparison of the influenza infection rates of unvaccinated children using CAM to that of vaccinated children using conventional medicine, the report belittles those who eschew vaccinations as people who are uninformed because, “Vaccine hesitancy is heavily grounded in myths about vaccine-preventable diseases and their corresponding vaccines that are not supported by scientific evidence.”
The cure for that, according to the study, is “by engaging their parents and their CAM practitioners.”
The study does not mention this “scientific evidence:” that over the last several years the flu vaccine has been largely ineffective even by CDC standards — a fact which the CDC has admitted – or that the U.S. Vaccine Court has paid out more claims for the flu vaccine than any other over the last several years.
Nor does it mention that flu vaccine rates have been dropping over all spectra in the U.S., likely because the vaccine has proven ineffective – especially the nasal spray “vaccine” which, though highly touted for several years, has since been dropped from production because it simply did not work, no matter what Big Pharma researchers said about it. And it does not mention that even in the best of times – on those rare occasions when vaccine researchers create a vaccine especially for the most prevalent influenza virus in a given year – 33 people have to be vaccinated to prevent one case of the flu.
The flu shot propaganda is about to hit hard and heavy. Late last month the CDC head scaremonger Dr. Tom Frieden was vaccinated in front of cameras and the press and he urged Americans to get their shot as soon as possible.
“We also say get it by the end of October, and don’t delay,” Frieden added. “A vaccination deferred is often a vaccination forgotten. And we want to ensure as many people as possible get the flu vaccine.”
Rather than embrace natural health and years of evidence that the best flu preventative is natural immunity rather than chemical-based immunity and long-term health damage, the medical establishment prefers to “re-educate” patients and professionals who dare to buck conventional healthcare wisdom. That’s because the medical establishment cares more for profits than for health.
It is possible skip the flu shot and still avoid the flu. And vitamin D is an excellent immune system booster to help you avoid all diseases.
Related reading:
The epidemiology of influenza
All you’ve been told about the flu is a lie
Flu folly
CDC flu vaccination numbers games
Vaccine-promoting scientists admit more flu shots make you more susceptible to flu, yet still encourage you to get more
‘Flu’ has little to do with influenza
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