Hello Everyone,
Here is a video from us at General Store Organics explaining the many benefits of manuka honey, and what we find to be the best company to go with when purchasing an authentic, high strength manuka honey. We have been using manuka honey for many years now for everything from cuts and burns, to indigestion and infections, and we have used most every brand on the market available. Wedderspoon is the company that we recommend for their high quality and purity, due to their unwavering standards in both production and value. This wonderful manuka honey is produced by bees in New Zealand and harvested without heat or filtration, leaving it in its natural state. Wedderspoon loves the bees that give them their honey. They are not fed processed sugars in order to harvest as much honey as possible for maximum profits. Instead Wedderspoon bees are fed honey from the hive. This is done in order to keep the bees healthy, full of nutrients, and producing a far superior Manuka honey. We hope you enjoy the video and hope it helps to give you an understanding of how a powerful, well produced manuka honey can be a useful tool in any health regiment.
For more info, please visit www.wedderspoon.com
Video produced and directed by Chris Rigueur