Who wouldn’t want to roll back the clock and reverse aging to feel better and live longer? But is turning back your biological age even possible? And if so, is it something you can do yourself? Or would you have to turn yourself into a lab rat in order to make it happen?
Well, according to research, not only is reversing your biological age possible, you could possibly roll back three full years of aging in just eight weeks — all with simple lifestyle changes!
Aging and DNA methylation
This groundbreaking clinical trial found that the key to reducing biological age (as measured by the Horvath 2013 DNAmAge clock) is balancing DNA methylation.
Why DNA methylation — and what in the world is it you ask…
The scientific explanation is that DNA methylation is a biological process where methyl groups are added to a DNA molecule. The practical explanation is that the process stops certain genes from being expressed, like the ones that can kick start disease.
DNA methylation patterns are considered robust biomarkers of age in humans and are used by researchers to analyze and track biological aging — a term usually used for the description of damage accumulation and function loss to human organs, cells and tissues.
This means that balanced DNA methylation could potentially prevent disease development — something that often goes hand-in-hand with aging.
Easy, safe and no drugs required
And that’s exactly why this new study from researchers at the Helfgott Research Institute set out to see if improving that methylation could be the fountain of youth we’ve all been looking for.
The randomized controlled clinical trial involved 43 healthy adult males between the ages of 50-72. Each participant was asked to follow an eight-week treatment program that included:
- Diet
- Sleep
- Exercise
- Relaxation guidance
- Supplemental probiotics and phytonutrients
And the results showed that these simple lifestyle strategies resulted in a statistically significant reduction of biological age — over three years younger, compared to controls.
I would say that’s significant. Wouldn’t you?
Especially since aging is the primary driver of disease. This means that stopping and even reversing that aging could help us all live better, longer.
And when you consider how rapidly aging was reversed in this study — taking only eight weeks to walk back a whopping three years of living — the results are even more impressive.
The age-reversing treatment program
Here’s the exact program participants who took three years off their age followed.
Each week they were asked to eat:
- 3 servings of liver (3 oz. each)
- 5-10 eggs
Each day, they ate:
- 2 cups of dark leafy greens like kale, collards or spinach
- 2 cups cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower
- 3 cups colorful vegetables
- 1-2 medium beets
- 4 tbsp. of pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed butter
- 4 tbsp. of sunflower seeds or sunflower seed butter
- 1 or more servings of methylation adaptogens. This could be:
- 1/2 cup berries (wild preferred)
- 6 ounces animal protein, preferably grass-fed, organic and hormone-free
- 2 servings of low glycemic fruit
They were also given additional guidance to stay well hydrated, include healthy oils in their diet and avoid eating between 7 pm and 7 am each day.
Additionally, each participant was reminded to sleep a minimum of seven hours per night, do breathing exercises for stress twice daily and moderate-intensity exercises 30 minutes a day, five days per week.
Finally, they all took probiotic and phytonutrient supplements daily. The phytonutrients were from organic veggies, fruits, seeds and plant enzymes.
So if you want to roll back your own aging, try the regimen above. You could be over three years younger in just eight weeks.
Three years younger in just eight weeks? A new study suggests yes! — EurekAlert!
Aging reversed: Study says you can become 3 years ‘younger’ in just 8 weeks! — Study Finds
Ageing Slows Down by 3 Years in Just 8 Weeks Through Diet, Lifestyle Changes, DNA Methylation Study Shows — The Science Times