Training with a partner is a great way to get into shape. They keep us motivated and inspired, push us to do more and not give up, and it’s so much fun! Today’s video is the next installment in our ‘buddy series’ of exercises, wherein Tema will show you a super fun way to tone your legs, butt and arms, called “lateral lunges with ball pass.”
Lateral lunges really work your quads and glutes; the front of the legs and butt muscles. And because of the ball pass you also get to work extension in the arms and shoulders for an upper-body bonus. So go ahead and grab your buddy and let’s get started!
Lateral lunges with ball pass: Starting position
Stand next to your buddy with about two or three feet between you. One buddy holds a ball, which can start out as a light soccer or basketball or even a beach ball, and move up in weight to various fitness balls as you are able.
You and your buddy will both take a big step out to the side with the leg furthest from your respective partner, and do a lateral lunge. Your hands will reach down to the floor along the outside of your bent leg. While doing so, you will pull your hips back to ensure your knee is over your toes so there is no strain placed on the knee.
Now pull your core tight and raise your body vertically upright to bring your feet back to the starting position. Try your best not to bend over while doing so.
As you and your partner return to center, reach up high and pass the ball overhead from one partner to the other. Then repeat again with the other partner holding the ball, again passing the ball at the top.
In the video, Tema and her buddy show you how to do a full set of 10 lateral lunges — so follow along and have fun!
After you have completed 10 lateral lunges with a ball pass, you and your buddy need to switch places so your other leg is on the outside, and repeat the exercise. That means there will be a total of 20 lateral lunges in one set; 10 reps from each side.
Start with 10 lateral lunges, per side, once a week. When you are feeling stronger and fit, try for two sets of 10 per side, two-to-three times per week, and advance from there at your own pace.
Give it a try, follow along with the video, and see where this fun buddy exercise can lead you in your fitness goals.