Many people have strokes and heart attacks even though they have no high cholesterol and no high blood pressure. However, they do have nutritional deficiencies specific to the human heart.
In his book, “Holy Water, Sacred Oil; the Fountain of Youth,” C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.., explains how low magnesium levels affect our health:
As a single essential (heart and high blood pressure) nutrient, lack of magnesium may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient — our diet of white flour, white sugar and prescription drugs destroys magnesium. Magnesium is the most critical mineral required for the electrical stability of every cell in the body. With few exceptions, low or deficient DHEA magnesium is found in every illness. The majority of Americans lose 80-90% of their DHEA magnesium between the ages 30 and 80, accelerating the aging process. In perhaps no illness is magnesium deficiency more relevant than myocardial infarction (and high blood pressure) or acute heart attack and aging.
Shealy says that Cell Wellness Restorer™ is a quick and painless way to restore magnesium levels and good health.
High blood pressure and heart disease respond quickly to proper nutrition.
We should supplement our high sodium diet with magnesium, potassium and other organic minerals.
Adults need 400 mg of magnesium daily. It’s best as a gluconate, picolinate, lactate, sulfate or aspartate. But most government dietary surveys indicate that people obtain less than that amount from their diets — sometimes as little as 50 percent of the magnesium they need for good health!
To boost your intake of this beneficial mineral and manage your metabolism, include more magnesium-rich foods in your daily diet, such as roasted pumpkin and squash seeds, bran cereal, brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, pine nuts, oil-roasted peanuts, halibut and spinach.
If you are on drugs for high blood pressure or for any other problem, stay under the supervision of your health practitioner. It is sometimes dangerous to suddenly stop taking drugs. They must be gradually eliminated over time.
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