Is it inevitable that you get cellulite and you’re stuck with it? No and no.
However, cellulite does not discriminate and it can find anyone. Athletes, couch potatoes, clean eaters and junk food lovers alike can get cellulite. But you might have a bigger buffer between you and cellulite the more fit you are and the cleaner you eat.
Your best cellulite solutions begin with specific kinds of exercises included in my cellulite attack plan…
Cellulite attack plan
Per my video, if you’re not weight training, start. If you’re already weight training, you just need to tweak your routine slightly. And follow this four-step system as if your cellulite depends on it 2-3 times a week for 8 weeks:
- Cardiovascular exercise or a warm up
- Resistance training exercises that target trouble spots
- Foam rolling or myofascial release (see my instructional video below)
- Stretching specific muscles in the troubled area.
Common cellulite questions
I never had cellulite before, is it just a part of getting older?
Aging skin and the breakdown of collagen contributes to cellulite formation. You’re skin thins as you age so cellulite shows through. To reduce the risk and amount of cellulite in your body take great care of your skin and remember this cardinal rule: stay out of the sun.
There’s also the fascia factor. Lying under the skin and under the topical layer of fat, fascia tends to get more rigid and have more cross sections of fibers in women than in men whose fascia is more linear. The connective tissue between that fascia and our skin also gets pulled easier and those three things add up to more visible signs of cellulite.
My mother had cellulite too! Am I doomed or is it just something I’ve got to live with?
Certainly genetics play a part. I wouldn’t have a job if that were the only influence however. You can improve the shape of the muscle underlying fat and hydrate the fascia, and both will reduce the appearance of cellulite.
And don’t forget to stick to your four-step cellulite attack plan!