In his blog entry on June 7, Dr. David Brownstein notes a link between breast cancer (afflicting 14 percent of U.S. women), thyroid disorders (afflicting 10 percent to 40 percent of U.S. adults) and iodine deficiency.
All of the human body’s cells require iodine, but U.S. iodine levels have fallen more than 50 percent during the past 40 years. Dr. Brownstein’s practice has tested more than 6,000 patients and found that more than 9 in 10 are iodine deficient.
Dr. Brownstein writes that iodine deficiency is behind an epidemic of thyroid and breast disorders being observed today. These include autoimmune thyroid disorders such as Hashimoto’s disease, Graves’ disease, thyroid cancer and hypothyroidism, as well as fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer. And the link could also explain the rise of other glandular diseases in the ovaries, uterus, pancreas and prostate — including cancer.
Unfortunately, most U.S. doctors don’t regularly test for iodine deficiency even though it should be the first suspect if one is experiencing fatigue, depression, weight gain, memory loss, hair loss, muscle cramps, dry skin, decreased libido, cold feet, confusion, delirium or even heart failure.
Chances are that most of us have an iodine deficiency. I think that we can assume this because iodine is generally low in agriculture soils everywhere. It can be found in seafood, but its levels vary depending upon the amount of pollution in the oceans from which the seafood is harvested.
You should insist on an iodine loading test — especially if you are experiencing the symptoms above. And if your physician refuses or does not know what it is, you should find an iodine-knowledgeable healthcare provider who can test you both pre- and post-iodine supplementation and help you maintain proper levels.
H/T: drbrownstein.com