Posted on: July 15, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

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The potassium and fiber in new red-skin potatoes benefit cardiovascular health.

I am a big fan of new red-skin potatoes, B-sized. I like the taste as well as the fact that they’re so easy to prepare. Until recently, I either boiled them or roasted them. But I’ve been using my iron skillet more and more lately, and I’ve discovered that I like pan-roasting most vegetables in it — including new potatoes. In this recipe, you first parboil the potatoes and then finish cooking them in a skillet.

An added benefit of cooking in a cast iron skillet is the additional iron it can add to your diet. A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association showed that cooking in cast iron can add a significant amount of iron to foods. Most pre-menopausal women don’t get near enough of the 18 mg of iron they need daily.

Red potatoes contain essential iron (around 2 mg per medium sized potato) and vitamin C. They contain other essential minerals, as well, including significant amounts of copper and zinc. And the potassium and fiber in them benefit cardiovascular health. Enjoy!


Kelley Martin

Kelley Martin

is an award-winning journalist who has been covering the news for more than 20 years. She has a strong newspaper background, having worked as a reporter, a photojournalist, a columnist, an editorial writer and an editor. As editor of Personal Liberty Digest™ since 2011, she believes that accuracy is of the utmost importance in both news stories and opinion pieces.


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