We know that garlic has excellent antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. This potent bulb has long been linked to heart health and reduced inflammation, not to mention a strong immune system.
But I’ve been hearing a lot recently about black garlic, which has twice the antioxidant level of the better-known white variety.
Black garlic is simply white garlic that’s been subject to a fermentation process that’s been used in Asia for thousands of years.
It involves fermenting white garlic at controlled high temperature and humidity for about three to four weeks. During that time, the garlic produces dark-colored melanoidin in addition to natural sugars and amino acids.
The health benefits of black garlic are similar to those of white garlic. It also contains tons of probiotics, which means it can help stabilize the gut. And it is being investigated for even broader applications — including a disease that will strike one out of every eight men in their lifetime…
Fermented black garlic extract may slow prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in U.S. men, behind skin cancer. And it’s the third leading cause of cancer death in men in Spain, which is why researchers there decided to explore the impact of fermented black garlic extract on prostate cancer cells.
The researchers took into account a previous experiment in mice in which the extract was found to have anti-inflammatory characteristics. Inflammation plays an important role in prostate cancer.
“We tested the extract in different human prostate cancer cell models and found that it was capable of reducing various tumor aggressiveness parameters, including cell proliferation,” says researcher Antonio Montero. Put more simply, the extract appeared to make the prostate cancer cells less aggressive and less likely to spread.
“We also found that it did not affect normal prostate cells,” Montero adds. This means the compound could be administered as a dietary supplement without any potentially negative impact on healthy prostate cells.
Having demonstrated the anticancer effect of fermented black garlic extract, the researchers sought to identify which molecular pathways were affected by the compound. They were able to verify that the compound altered key signaling pathways in the cancer, including those related to inflammation.
“The treatment decreases the inflammatory environment that you can see in this type of cancer,” says principal investigator Raúl Luque. “The extract was more effective and was able to produce more changes when the cells were in a pro-inflammatory environment. The local inflammation could be related to the aggressiveness of the cancer, and the fact that this extract acts on it could be due to its reduced aggressiveness after the extract treatment.”
Luque notes that the results indicate fermented black garlic extract “could be a very good option to avert some of the adverse events that occur in patients who are going to progress to a more complex and aggressive stage of prostate cancer.”
Where to find black garlic
Further study in humans is needed to determine the preventive effect of the compound. This would involve conducting a pilot study in people with a family history of prostate cancer or continuing with a clinical study in patients who already have it, administering the extract to see whether the cancer’s progress can be slowed or stopped.
For now, if you’re a man with a history of prostate cancer in your family, you may want to add black garlic to your diet to help protect your prostate health. You can use black garlic just as you would use regular garlic in recipes, dips and spreads. One advantage black garlic has over white garlic is that it doesn’t have the same pungent odor.
Fortunately, black garlic has become more readily available in grocery stores in recent years. It can be bought whole, in ready-to-use peeled cloves or as a black garlic paste. Make sure you check the expiration date for the latter two forms and use them within three months after opening. If you buy whole black garlic, keep it in the refrigerator and use it within six months.
If you prefer the convenience of a supplement, you can also buy black garlic supplements in powdered or liquid extract form at health food stores or online.
The beneficial effects of fermented black garlic extract on prostate cancer are evaluated — EurekAlert!
The Protective Effects of an Aged Black Garlic Water Extract on the Prostate — Nutrients
The Health Benefits of Garlic — Cleveland Clinic
A Cook’s Guide to Black Garlic: What It Is, How It’s Made, Plus 15 Tasty Ways to Use It — Forks Over Knives
Key Statistics for Prostate Cancer — American Cancer Society