Men take heed.
Many studies have shown that semen quality has decreased over the last fifty years.
If you’re a man in your 50s or beyond, you may be asking yourself, “So what? I’m not trying to have kids anymore. Who cares about my sperm count?”
You should. Because the reasons for low sperm count are intricately connected with factors behind other diseases that you do not want to get.
I’ll explain. But first, I’d like to tell you about the threat some experts believe men face from spending too much time with a device emitting electromagnetic radiation…
Your mobile phone is destroying your sperm
Researchers from the University of Geneva and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute have published a major study showing that frequent use of mobile phones is associated with a lower sperm concentration and total sperm count.
Data was gathered on 2,886 men — recruited between 2005 and 2018 — who filled out detailed questionnaires about the frequency with which they used their phones, as well as where they placed them when not in use.
The study revealed a 21 percent decrease in sperm count for frequent users as compared to rare users (from 56.5 million/mL down to only 44.5 million/mL).
The results seem to show that carrying a phone in a trouser pocket did not affect sperm count.
A future study is planned that will measure the effects of electromagnetic waves from phones even more accurately and help answer questions including whether the microwaves affect the hormonal regulation of sperm production.
But we need only look at past studies to find out what’s happening…
An oxidative assault
A decade ago, an Israeli study found that the saliva of heavy mobile phone users showed evidence of higher oxidative stress — a process that damages all aspects of a human cell through the development of free radicals.
Studies have shown that between 30-80 percent of men with fertility problems have elevated levels of oxidative stress — and several studies have also shown that exposure to electromagnetic radiation results in oxidative stress in many tissues of the body.
Again, you may be saying, “big deal… I’m well beyond trying to have children.”
But oxidative stress and the free radicals that result are damaging in a multitude of ways…
For example, oxidative stress is believed to be a biomarker that signals the development of Alzheimer’s, showing up a few years before disease onset.
And maintaining a healthy sperm count is not only important for better health and fertility…
Low sperm count is associated with an increased risk of death from all causes as well as putting you at higher risk of testicular cancer.
Man-made chemicals called xenoestrogens or hormone disruptors, are also a major cause of oxidative stress. They’re found in food, water, furniture and automobiles and contribute to hormonal imbalances in men’s (and women’s) bodies.
If you’re suffering from symptoms like insomnia, diabetes, fibromyalgia, cancer, or frequent headaches, just to name a few, oxidative stress may be the cause.
Countering an oxidative assault on your manhood
Fortunately, we have lots of ways to fight oxidative stress and, as usual, a lot of them lie in what we eat — or more importantly, don’t eat…
Antioxidants are the key and it’s also easy to find an abundance of them in fruits and vegetables, particularly those that are deeply colored.
However, studies show that infertile men are twice as likely to have a low intake of fruits and vegetables (less than five servings per day) compared with fertile men.
That’s also the worst situation for men experiencing a hormonal assault because di-indole methane (DIM) — a phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower — can help neutralize and remove fake estrogens from the body.
Other nutrients men need include:
- Carotenoids are abundant in carrots, sweet potatoes, kale and tomatoes. These compounds include substances like beta-carotene and lycopene that work to neutralize free radicals and enhance prostate health.
- Flavonoids are found in strawberries, blueberries, onions, cabbage and green tea.
- Resveratrol is found in red wine, grapes and blueberries. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant known for its anti-aging properties.
And don’t forget to slash your exposure to electromagnetic radiation as much as possible.
Mobile phone use may affect semen quality, study shows — Science Daily
Association between self-reported mobile phone use and the semen quality of young men — Fertility & Sterility
The Impact of Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress on Sperm Quality — maleinfertilityguide.com
Heavy cell phone use linked to oxidative stress — Science Daily