The war on cancer is facing a new battle. Lose it and you may lose your life.
A frightening number of people are conquering cancer only to die early deaths from some other, neglected health problem that they might have avoided: things like heart attacks, strokes and diabetic complications.
The real issue isn’t just the weakened health of someone who has overcome cancer. It is the fact that holistic doctors – physicians who focus on the whole health of a patient, not just an isolated symptom or disease – are few and far between.
If you need more proof that a holistic approach to your health is the most effective way to protect your life and better than the near-sighted techniques used by most conventional doctors, a study at Virginia Commonwealth University should change your mind.
Because while western medicine is saving people from cancer, it’s letting those same people die from other causes.
The Virginia study of cancer survivors found that of the 1,800 cancer survivors they studied, about a third died from other causes within five years of being treated for cancer. Within 20 years, almost two-thirds were dead from other diseases.
“We realized that the mortality rates for some types of cancer, such as breast cancer, had declined,” says researcher Yi Ning. “Cancer survivors live much longer than they did several decades ago. So with this large group of cancer survivors, we need to pay more attention to cancer survivors’ overall health.”
A big part of the problem is that people who develop diseases like cancer often have other health risks too. The modern world has us riding in cars and sitting in chairs and standing in line, instead of moving, running and playing. And Big Agra has us eating nothing but processed foods and neglecting fruits and vegetables because that’s what their advertisements trick us into thinking is healthy.
Does it make sense that “whole grains” (which have to be processed to be edible) and pasteurized milk should now be the right choice for breakfast instead of butter, meat, fruit and eggs, which kept us healthy for centuries?
That’s Big Agriculture talking, not nature.
Then you have Big Pharma which is no better … they have made us think they have the only real and “scientific” answers that can solve our physical ills. “Hey take this pill and you don’t have to take responsibility for our own health!”
People believe: Get cancer – then let chemo, radiation or some other supposed wonder zap the tumor. Then your health problems are over, right?
Well, the Virginia study should be a wake-up call to conventional doctors and people worried about staying well. Unless you start paying serious attention to your diet, sleep and exercise, modern medicine may keep you alive through something like cancer or another emergency, but it won’t enable you to survive long.
The good news is, you can enable your survival and prevent disease in the first place. It’s why I write to you every day with all the health discoveries and advice I can give you. So you can overcome their misguided misinformation and beat disease.