Numbers never lie, the old saying goes, but they don’t tell the whole truth, either.
So while it’s true that 1 out of every 12 people in the U.S. who are reading this have asthma, the good news is not all of you will have a heart attack.
Did that alarm you? It wouldn’t be a surprise, since mainstream medicine has not done a very good job of warning you about the heart attack risk for those who take asthma medication.
And you probably never heard the warning presented at a meeting of the American Heart Association. Which told attendees that those who have asthma and take daily medication to control breathing difficulties run an increased risk of a heart attack according to the research.
“Physicians should do all they can to control every other modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in patients with asthma,” warns researcher Matthew C. Tattersall, who teaches medicine in the Division of Cardiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, Wisconsin.
Tattersall’s study demonstrates that if you have asthma and take medicine for it daily, you are 60 percent more likely to be felled by a heart attack, stroke or some other heart problem during the next 10 years.
They said the problem is linked to the inflammation associated with asthma. That same inflammation detrimentally affects your heart and arteries.
If that’s true, it’s not clear why there’s such a great risk for people who take medication.
Meanwhile, a study in Minnesota that looked at the link between heart problems and asthma has come to a similar conclusion. That research, which looked at the cardiovascular health of more than a thousand people, found a much higher risk of heart attacks in people with asthma.
“Chest discomfort or pain can be confused as a symptom of asthma, but because asthma increases the risk of heart attack and treatments for each are quite different, patients need to take chest pain and other symptoms of heart attack seriously and seek prompt treatment,” says researcher Young J. Juhn, who is with the Mayo Clinic.
So whether it’s medicine or just inflammation from asthma, you need to be aware.
You also need help that’s drug-free.
Sage and spearmint are known to relax tracheal muscles. But for inflammation, especially in asthma, vitamin C is king.
Asthma gets worse with nutrient deficiencies, and there are few nutrients we’re more deficient in than vitamin C. Plus there’s nutrient depletion from the stress associated with asthma and allergy attacks.
Did you know that Vitamin C is a powerful antihistamine? It has no side effects, and it enhances immune response. You need at least 3,000 mg a day of vitamin C (it’s best to spread it out and take 1 g three times per day). If you have exercise-induced asthma, take 2 grams a half hour before you exercise.