Silicon is also known as a beauty mineral and thus, there are many health benefits of silicon. It not only causes the strengthening of connective tissues and bones, but is also useful in taking care of nails, hair and skin. The health benefits of silicon also play a vital role in the prevention of atherosclerosis, insomnia, skin disorders and tuberculosis.
Silicon is the second most available element found in the earth’s crust. It is one of the most important elements used in high tech devices and semiconductors. Silicon is a vital trace mineral required by the body for strong and flexible joints, glowing skin and stronger bones. It is basically present in the human body in the form of ether derivative of silanate or silicic acid. It is also necessary to be present in the diet as it increases the over all benefits of vitamin D, glucosomine and calcium.
Deficiency symptoms:
The deficiency symptoms of silicon are quite apparent as they deal with the connective tissues. Along with the poor development of the bone, the deficiency also causes thinning of hair, brittleness of nails, formation of wrinkles and ageing of the skin.
Important Sources:
Important sources of Silicon are apples, cereals, raw cabbage, peanuts, carrots, onions, cucumber, pumpkin, honey, fish, unrefined grains, oats, almonds and oranges. Its quantity is more in hard water and comparatively less in soft water.
Benefits: After oxygen, silicon is the most abundant element present in the earth’s crust. It is present in clay and sand and also exists as a part of rocks like quartz and granite. Earlier silicon was not regarded as a physiologically important element due to its substantial presence in the animal and plant tissues. But with the ongoing research, the health benefits of silicon are evidently demonstrated.’
- Prevents deformities in bones: It has been researched that silicon plays a vital role in assisting calcium for the growth and maintenance of joints and bones. It induces flexibility in the bones by increasing the amount of collagen, which is the protein component of bones. It also increases the rate of healing of bone dislocation and fractures.
- Prevents alopecia: Alopecia or thinning of hair is caused due to intake of refined diet which lacks in nutrients and specifically silicon. The health benefits of silicon encourage the growth of thick and healthy hair. It also increases the luster and shine of hair.
- Helps in strengthening the bones: Silicon is necessary for the maintenance of cardiovascular health. It elevates the deposition of different minerals like calcium in the bone tissues.
- Maintains the glow of the skin: It prevents the skin from becoming flabby and restores the natural glow of the skin. It helps in brightening the eyes. It also prevents several skin problems.
- Helps in healing processes: Silicon plays a key role in protection against many diseases like tuberculosis and the others which are related to mucous membranes. It also helps in increasing the healing rate during fractures.
- Prevents aluminum toxicity: It has been researched that higher amount of aluminum is found in the brain lesions of patients suffering from the Alzheimer’s disease. It has been researched that silicon, through its bonding with aluminum, prevents the absorption of the later in the gastro intestines.
- Prevents Atherosclerosis: Formation of hard plaque in the arteries causes atherosclerosis. It further leas to the obstruction of blood flow as the scar tissue and oxidized cholesterol inhibits the circulation of blood. The recent researches on rabbits have revealed that silicon supplements decrease the formation of plaques.
- Restores mucosa: The health benefits of silicon helps in the restoration of mucosa of the respiratory tract while the body is suffering from dehydration.
- Prevents the brittleness of nails: Nail health is an important function to improve nail health. Silicon helps in improving the quality of nails and protecting them against several nail infections.