The modern mind has been conditioned to equate medicine with health.
If you get sick, then you must need a drug to “cure” the sick, so conventional wisdom goes. Never mind that no one ever died because their body suffered from a deficiency of medicine.
Medicines treat symptoms. American conventional medicine teaches and understands the anatomy of the immune system, but American doctors do not practice preventive medicine. They practice symptomology, i.e., they “doctor” symptoms after the patient is already sick. Those medicines may make people feel better for a time. Sometimes, they even make people feel better until the body cures itself. If you are lucky, this will even happen without serious side effects requiring additional medicines. But if the underlying cause of the illness is not addressed, the illness remains.
But doctors who are trained by the medical-industrial complex in schools supported by the medical-industrial complex on curricula created by the medical-industrial complex, by and large know only chemically induced immunity, not natural immunity.
Now we see that antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” are growing ever more prevalent and ever more deadly. This increase comes as a direct result of the growing and widespread use of general antibiotics across the human spectrum.
Antibiotics are pumped into the chickens we eat and that produce our eggs. Antibiotics are pumped into the cattle that we eat and that produce our milk. Antibiotics are pumped into the pork we eat. Antibiotics are pumped into the turkeys we eat.
On top of that, doctors are prescribing antibiotics pre-surgery and post-surgery, whether or not infections are present. And medical practitioners are not only prescribing antibiotics for common bacterial and fungal infections, but also for viral infections on which antibiotics have no effect. And this is often done, the doctors admit, in order to placate parents conditioned — as mentioned above — to equate medicine with health and who do not want to hear that the earache little Johnny is suffering from will heal on its own if Johnny’s immune system is made strong.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us that each year at least 2 million people become infected and at least 23,000 die from antibiotic-resistant infectious agents. And you’re more likely to contract one of these infections while in a healthcare setting.
The CDC, on its website, tells us:
Antibiotic resistance in healthcare settings is a significant threat to public health. Because almost all Americans will receive care in a medical setting at some point, antibiotic resistance can affect anyone. By preventing antibiotic resistance in healthcare settings, patients’ lives are better protected and their health can be preserved.
Antibiotic-resistant infections can happen anywhere. Data show that most happen in the general community; however, most deaths related to antibiotic resistance happen in inpatient healthcare settings, such as hospitals and nursing homes.
But wait a moment. I thought the “healthcare setting” was where we went to get well. It turns out there is very high risk in going into a healthcare setting. The Food and Drug Administration admits that more than 2.2 million hospitalized patients suffer severe adverse drug reactions and more than 106,000 of them die. That makes it the fourth leading cause of death annually — ahead of pulmonary disease, diabetes, AIDS, pneumonia, accidents and automobile deaths. Another 250,000 die from medical errors.
A new report from Public Health England shows that the rate of people suffering a “significant antibiotic-resistant infection” rose between 2010 and 2014 long with the rise in hospital use of broad spectrum antibiotics.
Curiously, Dr. Mike Durkin of England’s National Health Service lamented not for the patients, but for the future of the drugs.
“As one of the largest healthcare providers in the world, it is vital the NHS is seen to lead that fight against the global problem of antimicrobial resistance so these immensely important medicines can be preserved for now and future generations,” Durkin said.
Still no word from the doctors quoted on how to boost natural immunity, which is the key to avoiding infection.
Disease comes from within. When the body is overly fatigued with excess stress, toxins and malnutrition, there is a breakdown of immunity. So a body must be made healthy with proper hydration, it must have a healthy pH and it must have a proper level of essential nutrients.
Filtered water; powerful natural tonics; a healthy, alkaline diet; and four essential immune-boosting supplements are keys to peak immunity from superbugs, cancer and whatever is the disease du jour in America. For more on this, read “Ebola and flu protection 101: Preserve your life and liberty with peak immunity.”