Summertime can be great for body and soul when you get to play in the sun and let your body supply you with a healthy dose of vitamin D. But if you slather on sunscreen you block vitamin D production and could be exposing yourself to toxic chemicals.
Perhaps the most problematic ingredients in sunscreen are substances called benzophenones also known as oxybenzones. These chemicals block out ultraviolet light but may also produce problematic physiological changes in your body.
A study at the New York State Department of Health shows that benzophenones can mimic the actions of the hormone estrogen and, in women, can lead to increased chances of developing endometriosis – a distressing and painful condition that occurs when uterine tissue proliferates outside of the uterus.
According to the researchers, when you use sunscreens that contain benzophenones or related chemicals, you absorb some of it through your skin and it can enter your bloodstream. And their analysis confirmed that women with higher levels of these chemicals are more likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis.
But that’s not the only problem with benzophenones. They can cause allergic reactions like rashes when you spread them on your skin. These allergies have become so problematic that in 2014, benzophenones were chosen as Allergens of the Year by the American Contact Dermatitis Society.
The dermatologists point out that these chemicals were originally invented as preservatives for things like varnish and paint. Today, they are also are also included in products like hair dyes, nail polishes, shampoos, conditioners, hand sanitizers and perfumes. They represent some of the most common ingredients in personal care products.
In addition, environmental researchers say that when sunscreens containing these toxins wash off in the ocean, lakes and rivers, they are harming fish and other wildlife.
If you want to use sunscreen, consult the Environmental Working Group’s website. They provide a comprehensive directory to the safest sunscreens.
This summer you should get just enough sun to allow your skin to use ultraviolet light to make vitamin D. After that it’s better to get out of the sun and use clothing and hats to shield yourself than to rely on sunscreen for protection. But if you do use a sunscreen, apply a safe one.