Until the beginning of the development of modern antibiotics in the 1940s, colloidal silver was the natural antibiotic of choice and had been for 50 years. Pharmaceutical antibiotics looked like miracles because, in the beginning, there were no antibiotic-resistant strains of disease organisms. There was a lot of excitement over the new wonder drugs. So, naturally, colloidal silver disappeared into the memory hole.
Colloidal silver contains the very important electrolytes sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, plus 70 other microtrace minerals. Electrolytes maintain normal fluid balance inside and outside cells and a proper balance of acids and bases in the body.
Silver has a long history in medicine as a nontoxic natural antibiotic. While most antibiotics disinfect about one-half dozen or so germs, silver has been reported to disinfect hundreds. Most importantly, unlike prescription antibiotics, germs cannot build a resistance to the natural antibiotic action of colloidal silver. Also, unlike prescription antibiotics, colloidal silver is extremely safe for adults and children.
Colloidal silver is completely nontoxic, tasteless, internally and externally applicable; and it is a broad-spectrum germ-fighter and disinfectant. Colloidal silver can significantly reduce the length and severity of many bacterial infections. For these reasons, colloidal silver is one of the greatest discoveries of all time for preventative, natural healthcare.
Before 1938, it was widely used for internal infections such as flu, fevers, herpes, hepatitis, Epstein-Barr, bronchitis, pneumonia and yeast/vaginal infections. It was used for external infections such as in the eyes, ears, sore throat, dental abscesses, nasal/sinus, poison oak and rashes, burns, cuts and bites, and athlete’s foot.
This information in no way “proves” that colloidal silver “cures” infections, disorders or diseases of any kind, and we don’t make claims that it does. However, it has been proven that colloidal silver does have tremendous antimicrobial powers. The history of safe and effective use of colloidal silver is extensive, and the number of current health professionals and individuals who successfully use colloidal silver to reduce the length and severity of infectious disorders is growing exponentially. Always consult your healthcare professional for advice concerning your own particular needs.
The only caveat is that the overuse of certain types of protein-bound silver compounds can cause a blue or gray discoloration of the skin called argyria. Most colloidal silver preparations do not have this risk because they are prepared as a homeopathic substance rather than an antibiotic with, of course, the same effect medicinally.