What manufacturers of cholesterol-lowering drugs desperately don’t want you to know!
The following facts regarding anti- cholesterol drugs were reported at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association:
1. For most people, these drugs don’t work! An alarming study of 5,600 patients using cholesterol-lowering drugs revealed that a full 62% did not reach their target levels at all.
2. The side effects are horrendous. These include liver toxicity, muscle cramps, nausea, heartburn and hair loss. Quite a price to pay for something that might not even work.
“Thank you for standing up and speaking forth the truth. I appreciate you and all those who are associated with you in faithfully laboring for the freedom of our rights to know what is going on in the medical fields! Our prayers are with you all. Keep up the good work!.” –Robert L. |
3. Anti-cholesterol drugs diminish your mental capacity! Doctors who studied adults using cholesterol-lowering drugs found that the medications are “making their patients stupid”–literally! After just six months of use, the study group showed a marked decline in their mental sharpness as well as their attention span.
There is a very good reason why you’ve most likely heard nothing about this. The manufacturers of those drugs use their financial clout to make sure you never will. But that’s not the worst of it.
Despite these disturbing findings, the drug makers are now promoting these drugs for patients with normal cholesterol levels, too!
Luckily, as a member of Health Sciences Institute you’ll never be a mere pawn in the hands of the drug- makers lobby. Readers of the HSI Members Alert already know they have a much better choice. They already know there is something that can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels better than any drug…without side effects.
60 times more effective than vitamin E!
It’s a new vitamin, called tocotrienol. I’m sure you’ve heard that vitamin E can lower your risk of heart disease. What you heard is true–with a “but”…
Not all vitamin E supplements are created equal. In fact, the form of vitamin E sold most widely in stores (alpha-tocopherol) is about the least effective of them all!
So, you may be buying vitamin E regularly…taking the pills religiously…and you might as well be taking sugar pills for all the good it does you. Tocotrienol, however, is different. Very different.
You may already know what antioxidants do. As part of the process of keeping your body alive, the red blood cells deliver oxygen to all your body’s cells. The oxygen is “packed” inside the red blood cells bound chemically to their iron molecules. During the process, some unattached oxidative particles are released into the bloodstream. These are called “free radicals.” These particles attack the walls of your arteries and nick and chafe them. Cholesterol molecules now have a foothold to grab onto. The cholesterol build-up is called plaque and the result is heart disease. Antioxidants, such as vitamin E, neutralize the free radicals.
Tocotrienol is sixty times more potent an antioxidant as the most potent vitamin E you could possibly find. But it does even more than that.
It helps reduce the “clumping” in your blood. It reduces the “stickiness” of the platelets, that leads to the hardening of the arteries, blood clots and strokes…and without any harmful side effects!
Just how “for real” is this new vitamin E? Doctors who read the Health Sciences Institute Members Alert are using tocotrienols on themselves to help prevent heart attacks!
Dr. Randall Wilkinson reports, “I started taking two capsules a day. Thirty days later my LDL cholesterol dropped 23%…I was astonished!”
If you or someone close to you has survived a stroke, you know that life afterward can be like living with a time bomb. Unless the underlying disease process is somehow reversed, chances are good that a second, possibly fatal stroke will follow.
A stroke, when it hits, seems like a random event. In reality, however, it is usually the result of a chronic degenerative condition called arteriosclerosis. In arteriosclerosis, damage to the cells lining the arteries causes LDL cholesterol to accumulate at the site of the damage. Blood platelets then begin to stick to these cholesterol deposits, and eventually a hard, fibrous plaque forms, restricting blood flow.
If this plaque forms in the coronary arteries, you are likely to have a heart attack. If it forms in one of the carotid arteries or in the smaller arteries which supply the brain, the result will most likely be a stroke.
Conventional medicine has very few tools to fight arteriosclerosis. Basically, they consist of dangerous surgery with an unacceptably high long-term failure rate, and a prescription for a daily ingestion of baby aspirin. While the aspirin can reduce your risk of stroke or heart attack a bit, it does nothing to lower cholesterol levels or to dissolve artery-clogging plaque. And it can cause serious stomach damage.
Lately, however, a promising new light has started to glow on the dark horizons of arteriosclerosis: Tocotrienols.
In recent years, there has been a wealth of exciting new research on a type of vitamin E found in rice bran and palm oil called tocotrienols. Tocotrienol formulas provide better protection against cardiovascular disease than anything known before. Health Sciences Institute Members have known of tocotrienols (and how to put their hands on them) since December 1997.
Tocotrienols not only lower cholesterol levels naturally, they also keep the blood thin and flowing freely. Furthermore, tocotrienols have shown the ability to actually dissolve dangerous arterial plaque. They are also exceptional antioxidants, thus protecting cells throughout the body from malignancy or damaged blood vessels.
Recently, the medical community was electrified by a study that used a special, ultra-pure high-potency tocotrienol preparation made in Asia .
The 50 subjects in this trial had each suffered a first, mild stroke. At the beginning of the study, the degree of blockage of their arteries (measured by ultrasound) ranged from 15 to 79 percent.
Without making any other changes to their diet or medications, half of the subjects began taking the new tocotrienol while the remaining half received placebos.
After 12 months, researchers repeated the ultrasound examinations, with startling results.
Among those taking placebos, 40 percent showed a worsening of the disease, with increased blockage of the arteries. 60% remained stable and none showed any improvement.
For those taking the new tocotrienol, an astonishing 28 percent had actually improved! Their arteries were actually less obstructed. 64% percent remained stable. Only 8% experienced worsening of their disease…as compared to 40% worse without it!
As one research analyst remarked, “This tocotrienol may not reverse arteriosclerosis in every patient, but it’s a 92% effective insurance policy against its progression…and a better than 25% chance of actual reversal of the disease!”