The lemon is one of those super foods with a myriad health and cosmetic benefits. There are a few persons for whom it is an allergen, so make sure you are not allergic to this natural product, before you start enjoying the many benefits.
- Lemon being a citrus fruit fights against infection. It helps in the production of White Blood Cells and antibodies in the blood which attacks invading microorganisms and prevents infection.
- Lemon is an antioxidant which deactivates the free radicals preventing many dangerous diseases like stroke, cardiovascular diseases and cancers.
- Lemon lowers blood pressure and increases the levels of HDL (good cholesterol) .
- Lemon is found to be anti-carcinogenic which lower the rates of colon, prostate, and breast cancer. It prevents faulty metabolism in the cell, which can predispose a cell to becoming carcinogenic. Also blocks the formation of nitrosamines in the gut.
- Lemon juice is said to give a glow to the skin.
- A few drops of lemon juice in hot water are believed to clear the digestive system and purify the liver as well.
- The skin of lemons dried under the sun and then ground to make powder can be applied to the hair for a few minutes before a bath which relieves head ache and cools the body.
- Applying lemon juice to acne dries the existing ones and prevents from getting more.
- Lemon juice acts as a natural hair lightener and skin bleach which reduces the pigment melanin and prevents the risk of chemical allergic reactions which is common with hair dyes and bleaches.
- Lemon juice is given to relieve gingivitis, stomatitis, and inflammation of the tongue.
- Lemon juice is given to prevent common cold.
- Lemon juice is given to prevent or treat urinary tract infection and gonorrhea.
- Lemon juice is applied to the sites of bites and stings of certain insects to relieve its poison and pain.
- Lemon juice relieves colic pain and gastric problems.
- Lemon juice soothes the dry skin when applied with a little glycerin.
- Lemon juice used for marinating seafood or meat kills bacteria and other organisms present in them, thereby preventing many gastro-intestinal tract infections.
- Lemon juice with a pinch of salt (warm) every morning lowers cholesterol levels and brings down your weight.
- Lemon juice is the best drink to prevent dehydration and shock in case of diarrhea.
- Lemon juice can also be used as a mouthwash. It removes plaque, whitens the teeth and strengthens the enamel.
- A table spoon on thick lemon syrup everyday relieves asthma.
- Lemon juice relieves chilblains and itchy skin.
- Gargling lemon juice relieves throat infection and is also used as a treatment for diphtheria.
- Lemon juice is an excellent treatment for dandruff and greasy hair.
- Lemon applied over the face removes wrinkles and keeps you young.
- Lemon juice helps to prevent and cure osteoarthritis.