“We think we got it all.” These are the words you might hear after cancer surgery.
Don’t we see that these little words mask the fraud of a giant and profitable industry?
Surgery is such “high science” and money that it has to be justified. What have they done?
Simple, just promote the myth that each organ and body part is separate and needs to be treated separately. Then, people will believe a cancer can be removed by cutting it out.
Disease — specifically, cancer — is systemic. Systemic means that if you’ve got it, you’ve got it all over. This certainly excludes cutting or burning it out.
Cancer can manifest in any way and in several ways, but it is a disorder of cell growth from a default in biochemistry.
Almost all cancer is environmental (as much as 90 percent environmental), according to a new study at Stony Brook University in New York. That means the cell-growth disorder is prompted and spurred on by environmental and external factors. These include excess sun exposure, smoking, drinking and air pollution. It also includes genetically modified foods, steroids and antibiotics pumped into our livestock and poultry, and pesticides and weed killers sprayed on our crops. It includes a host of chemicals introduced to our foods during production and in packaging.
So if most cancers are a result of external factors, most cancers can be avoided and/or cured by overcoming those factors.
Whole body health has to be re-established. Diet and lifestyle changes are needed. But the mainstream has stolen those words and convinced you that its diets, foods and exercise plans are proper. Beware!
The proper diet for cancer is the proper diet for heart disease — and for good health in general. Nothing could be simpler.
Here goes: This is basic. It’s not all-inclusive, but it’s adequate and certainly a good start. It will add years to your life through disease prevention!
Foods first
Here’s what you need to do to have a healthy diet:
- Leave off all simple carbohydrates.
- Eat as much raw food and juice as possible. I eat sprouts every day.
- Do not get on a low-fat diet unless you want bad health.
- Cook with and eat organic coconut oil and olive oil; no hydrogenated oils or fats.
- Do not eat or drink anything with fructose (the new name for high fructose corn syrup). This is synthetic sugar that creates weight and disease. And it destroys the liver and pancreas.
- Avoid trans-fatty acids. These are fake fats that you will see in cheap, grain-based foods, like crackers, cakes, bread, prepared foods, etc. Scan the label for the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated.”
- No artificial sweeteners. Use Stevia or honey, which are natural sweeteners.
- Eat wild meat instead of growth-hormone meat, if you can get it. Alternatively, choose only organic, free-range meat that has not been pumped full of antibiotics and steroids.
- Avoid synthetic vitamins, and that’s 98 percent of all vitamins for sale.
- Do eat whole food complexes to get live foods that generate and regenerate life processes.
- Add more dark leafy greens to your diet, particularly kale.
Doctors, drugs and hospitals
Stay away from doctors, drugs and hospitals unless you have a broken leg or other serious accident. They are wonderful at emergency medicine — a laceration, a fracture, a burst appendix or other emergency — but they are equally bad at long-term care and chronic ailments.
Especially, avoid flu shots and immunizations! These have to do with profits, not health or prevention. They destroy natural immunity and pump you full of toxins.
Cancer facts
Doctors do not treat to cure cancer. If they did, they would be breaking the law. Establishment medicine does not wish to cure cancer, and conventional cancer treatments can cause more cancer.
Most doctors do not know what cancer is and most don’t want to know. If you were lucky enough to find a doctor to treat your cancer, he would go to jail — unless, of course, he did it as a “back-street affair” or “underground.”
We have been long deceived by the dishonest medical establishment that almost everyone trusts with his life. The cancer industry, like the heart industry, is con-artistry at its finest. All the white coats and stethoscopes hanging around the necks of doctors hiding behind surgical masks with MRI scans and laboratory reports in hand are nothing more than theatrical props. We pay for it all with our lives.
Everyone who has cancer dies of starvation, unless he is first killed by his doctor and his treatment. There is even a term for death by medical treatment: “iatrogenic death,” which is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S.
The cancer victim does not have to be a party to his own plunder and murder. Mass deception is when a person or a society can be deceived into active participation in his own rape or murder. Such is a testimony to today’s propaganda in medicine, in politics, in government, and in economic and financial chicanery.
One must treat his own cancer, as he is the only one who can. This is called taking responsibility for one’s own health: a do-it-yourself program.
The cancer victim wants someone else to do it for him. Only those who do self-treatment are the ones who survive.
You can defeat cancer if you catch it early enough and if you make significant lifestyle changes. There are many books and stories of people who have done this, and they have documented how you can, too. One is Catherine J. Frompovich, who chronicles her defeat of breast cancer while eschewing traditional treatment in her book, “A Cancer Answer: Holistic Breast Cancer Management.”
Another guide you might already know about comes from my colleague, Dr. Michael Cutler. It’s called “Surviving Cancer.” It’s full of not only new ways to cancer-proof your life, but also to be prepared to make healthier treatment choices for your cancer.
The fact is that the human body can and is designed to heal itself. This can happen only when you give it the nutrition, sleep and care it needs and overcome the outside agencies that stop proper function.