Posted on: April 14, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

Air pollution

Of all the health-warping foods that fill the typical American diet, one popular beverage stands out as the health-warpingest. And a report now shows that this all-American concoction is being formulated with pollutants from factories and electrical generating plants.

The average American consumes about 3 quarts of soft drinks a week. That’s bad enough news for our health since soft drinks have been linked to obesity, diabetes and fatty liver. The sugar in these drinks can increase your risk for cancer and the preservatives have been linked to genetic damage. The high fructose corn syrup that sweetens most of these beverages has also been connected to gout.

The artificial sweeteners in diet sodas come with their own set of problems. Even though they contain few calories, researchers have found that they harm your metabolism and folks who drink them have more belly fat than non-drinkers.

And all those health risks don’t even take into account the fact that the carbonation in some of these drinks comes from carbon dioxide scrubbed and “purified” from industrial smokestacks. It’s made from the gas bubbles given off from coal emissions.

The technique isolates the CO2 and is supposedly purifying it for recycling. The companies then sell the CO2 to soft drink companies that inject it into your beverage to make soft drink bubbles. But the process uses a toxic, flammable, caustic chemical called monoethanolamine. Does that sound appealing to you? Sipping on “pure” processed pollution?

Because we are exposed to so many substances like this – in our food, clothing and air – it’s a good idea to frequently detox your body. You can find important ways to incorporate detoxing into your daily lifestyle in Dr. Michael Cutler’s book Doctors’ Inside Secrets for Natural Cleansing and Detoxification.” (Click here to get a copy FREE today!”)

Dr. Cutler explains that a good way to cleanse yourself of these types of toxins is to submerge yourself in a warm-to-hot Epsom salt bath. Use one or two pounds of salts along with a cup of sea salt or baking soda once or twice in a week, and then repeat every six months or so.

Be sure to drink plenty of water during and after these baths. The baking soda helps to alkalize your body and the sea salt helps you replenish important minerals, and the heat helps your sweat glands excrete toxins. But you need a lot of water in your body to facilitate the process. If you alternate between adding baking soda or sea salt, you can cleanse more effectively.

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