Raw, organic Manuka honey from New Zealand is the queen of honeys for healing. It is reputed to have the highest anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of all honeys. Manuka Honey contains additional antibacterial properties not found in other types of honey, making it even more effective for treating infection. Manuka Honey’s main claim to fame has been wound care and treating even the hardest to heal infections such as MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant conditions. It has also been clinically proven for healing diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation and a variety of other disorders.
It is important to only use an active, medical-grade Manuka honeywith a UMF rating between 10 and 16. Also you want to use raw Manuka honey because it is packed with active enzymes while pasteurized honey has lost many of the active enzymes.
The health benefits of using Manuka Honey and Cinnamon:
For cinnamon, only use Ceylon Cinnamon (Verum) because Cassia Cinnamon or Saigon or Chinese Cinnamon have levels of coumarin at 5% whereas Ceylon Cinnamon has only .0004%.
How to prepare: There are instructions below for specific health issues. For general health, take one 16 oz. jar of Manuka Honey and 4 T. Ceylon Cinnamon, mix in a larger bowl and return to the jar. Take 1t/day for general health; or 3 t. daily for therapeutic purposes. Use on toast or dissolve in a cup of warm water.
When natural ingredients are combined together in certain proportions, they work great to cure many conditions. One of such amazing combination is honey and cinnamon. This combination has been used for centuries to promote general well being and cure many conditions and ailments. Although, there is a lack of scientific evidence, many people swear by this simple home remedy.
This natural treatment is well known in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Unani Medicine (Greek), ayurvedic and Tibb (which means the science of medicines based on natural treatment in the East).
According to experts in Chinese Traditional Medicines, cinnamon is hot. It produces heat in the body which is known as “yang”. Yang cures “yin” which means coldness. Honey, on the other hand, is neutral and it balances both “yang” and “yin”.
Before I list the curing properties of honey and cinnamon combination, it is extremely important to know the true cinnamon and distinguish it from cassia. True cinnamon is also known as Ceylon cinnamon. The fake or cassia type is toxic and is not recommended for medication or regular use. It is even banned in some countries.