http://livesuperfoods.com/live-superfoods-brazil-nuts.html Just 2 a day provide you with your daily requirement of selenium, a trace mineral that is depleted in today’s processed soils and diet.
Raw Organic Brazil Nuts
Brazil Nuts are also an incredible vegan source of other important minerals that our bodies need every day like zinc, magnesium, thiamine, phosphorous, copper, and iron.
They also contain heart-healthy monounsaturated oils, the same ones found in olive oil and avocados. They have a full spectrum of amino acids, including vital performance boosters like methionine, arginine, and glutamine.
And you can feel good about enjoying our raw, certified organic Brazil nuts, which are harvested by indigenous people as part of a program that protects the rainforest from clear cutting, and we pay these hard-working families well beyond Fair-Trade prices.
How to enjoy them
Crisp and meaty, our Brazil Nuts are perfect by the handful, tossed into salads, or sweetened with a handful of our dried fruits.
They also make fantastic nut milks with a rich creamy taste.