Thieves are everywhere. They’re in your food, your tap water, medicine cabinet, mobile phone, car — they’re even in the air, both inside and outside your home, stores, offices — everywhere.
These thieves are common toxins that thoroughly test your body’s defences and wear you down.
But there’s good news: You’ve got a powerful anti-ageing “bodyguard” on your side.
And now there’s even better news: New research has uncovered a simple way to power up your bodyguard, which can help remove toxins, so you feel better, and even look healthier, younger, and more beautiful, too.
The “missing link”
Your anti-ageing bodyguard is called l-GT.
l-GT is a uniquely powerful antioxidant that’s found in every cell of your body. And because it’s everywhere, it’s very effective in helping protect you from toxic-induced damage from free radicals.
In addition, l-GT actually enhances and prolongs the life of other key antioxidants, most notably, vitamins C and E.
But you can’t take this wealth of protection for granted. In fact, without knowing it, you may be making it harder for your body to maintain adequate l-GT levels.
For instance, if you don’t get enough sleep or if you’re stressed out, l-GT levels can drop dramatically.
Plus, as we age, our l-GT levels drop off too — especially once you reach your 60s.
Popping acetaminophen (paracetamol) regularly can also drain l-GT from your body.
High levels of l-GT are associated with good health. So if your levels take a dip you may begin to feel sluggish or weak and the toxins start to take over. And that will show… literally.
Those dark bags that develop under your eyes? Those wrinkles from collagen loss in your skin? That’s what could happen when you lose the full power of your l-GT defense.
And those age spots that start to speckle your hands and face… those may be linked to l-GT levels too. But in a recent placebo-controlled study with 60 subjects, a daily 500 mg l-GT supplement produced significant skin-lightening in just four weeks.
You can immediately help put the brakes on l-GT loss with two key lifestyle choices:
1) Get a good night’s sleep every night.
2) Reduce your intake of processed foods and replace them with these nutrient-dense foods that happen to have high l- GT levels: avocados, tomatoes, garlic, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, squash, walnuts, and asparagus.
And to get the most benefit from l-GT, you can do what the subjects in the skin study did: Take a high-quality l-GT supplement.
If you live in a densely populated city, air pollution is an unavoidable factor in your overall health picture.
Believe it or not, even if you live in some beautiful remote village or some other relatively pristine spot, air pollution will probably still be a key health factor.
How can that be? According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air can be as much as FIVE TIMES more polluted than outdoor air.
For example…
When researchers tested lung function and urine samples in more than 160 subjects over the age of 60 who were living at home, they linked impaired lung function with high urine levels of two volatile organic compounds (VOC): toluene and xylene.
VOCs are chemicals emitted as gasses. And many household products emit VOCs.
Toluene is a very common VOC used in fingernail polish, adhesives, paints, paint thinners, lacquers, and rubber.
Xylene is a toxic petroleum byproduct that’s used in many air fresheners. That’s right — air fresheners!
Xylene has also been associated with headaches and increased risk of cognitive impairment.
The solution? First, get rid of the air fresheners. They don’t “freshen” anything. Second, get rid of household products that contain VOCs. And if you can’t get rid of them, use them with great care (and a protective face mask).