I used to laugh at the word “toxins” when I practiced only conventional medicine. I was sure integrative healthcare practitioners knew nothing about toxins, being so “unscientific” as they appeared to me then.
But years of study, and results from thousands of patients have shown me the important role that removing toxins plays in giving you back optimal health.
Last week I showed you how to do a lemonade internal cleanse you can do right in your own home, and here I want to show you two more.
So many health improvements…
Some call this a “juice fast,” yet in reality it is a juice “feast.”
My daughter, Cali, recently completed a 30-day juice feast with fresh fruit and veggies of various types — no solid foods. Cali claims to have personally cleared up her horrible acne, stomach acid pains, and tendonitis from juice feasting. In the E-book she wrote she describes these routine health improvements from juice feasting:
- lose weight
- improve sleep, energy, and mood
- look younger, improve skin aging
- clear up acne
- stop food cravings
- eliminate joint pains
- boost immune system
- improve mental concentration
- reverse digestive issues
- normalize blood pressure
- stop sugar, caffeine, alcohol craving
- reverse premature aging
- improve exercise capacity
- reduce headache pain
- clear up asthma
- effectively treat type 2 diabetes
- heal many cancer types
- improve eyesight
She has some really great quick and simple juicing recipes too. You can get access to her E-book at calicutler.net
In order to have yourself a juice feast, I want to give you doctor’s orders to pick any juicer that is affordable and easy to use and get it into your kitchen ASAP. This is the first step, and then the fun and health benefits naturally begin.
I routinely use a Jack LaLanne juicer and love it. It costs about $99, and is super easy to use and clean up. In fact while I was writing this I craved fresh juice so badly that I went right into my kitchen and juiced carrots, grapes, and half a bell pepper and then sat back down. It was simply marvelous to taste … and it was quite filling.
Juicing is by far the easiest way to cleanse. In addition to freshly juiced fruits and veggies, you can also include soup broths and herbal teas for a slow and gentle detoxification. That’s why my daughter was able to do it for 30 days while being busy full-time going to college.
Much like a juice cleanse, my personal experience of coaching patients through a liquid cleanse for 3-10 days revealed similar results: every aspect of health improves, including mood and energy levels.
However, you should know that while the juicing feast is very good for you, it’s more for beginners and will produce a much less powerful effect than the juice cleanse I’m going to tell you about in my next letter to you.
To feeling great,
Michael Cutler, M.D.
Easy Health Options