Metabolism lies at the foundation of health. It’s a complex system that directly influences how our cells, tissues and body systems function and get the nutrients they need — while getting rid of what they don’t.
Essentially, good metabolism doesn’t mean you don’t gain weight, it means you feel good every day, have plenty of energy for daily activities and are in good overall health. Poor metabolism often means the opposite.
You see, true metabolic health isn’t just about having your cake and eating it too, so to speak. The state of your metabolism has much more to do with your overall health than simply your weight.
Here are 8 drags on your metabolism that you’ll want to avoid.
An odd eating schedule
Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem discovered that eating on a fixed timetable, rather than snacking haphazardly and eating meals on a varying schedule, burns more calories and leads to lower weight.
Solution: Restricting meals simply does not work. Here’s how to eat more and still lose weight.
“Dirty” produce
The deadly chemicals farmers used to kill bugs and insects on crops are allowed by our beloved Food and Drug Administration to be eaten by consumers. And these pesticides are neurotoxins, or toxins that are damaging to the nervous system. The “Dirty Dozen” are the 12 fruits and vegetables in the United States that rank the highest in pesticide residue.
Solution: Avoid the “King of the Dirty Fruits” (and the rest of the Dirty Dozen) and stick to their organic versions, instead.
Sacrificing sleep
Your body produces most of your energy hormones when you’re asleep. Burning the candle at both ends leads to adrenal fatigue and reduced energy levels. And although there are enough sleep aids on the market to fill your entire house, let alone your medicine cabinet, there are simpler and healthier approaches to lead you into slumberland.
Solution: Try these simple tips to sleep better naturally
Skimping on calories
Restricting meals simply does not work. It turns out your ‘hunger hormone’ kicks in when you try to change the way your body wants to eat — sabotaging all your best efforts and causing you to eat more.
Solution: Ditch the ultra-processed foods and replace them with satisfying choices (like dark chocolate and full-fat cheese. Yum!)
Sitting too long
According to lead researcher Aviroop Biswas, “When we’re standing, certain muscles in our body are working very hard to keep us upright… Once we sit for a long time… our metabolism is not as functional, and the inactivity is associated with a lot of negative effects.”
Solution: Try these two minutes that make all the difference
Too little calcium
Calcium helps release hormones and enzymes which affect nearly every function of your body. And a healthy weight-loss eating plan should include protein- and calcium-rich foods.
Solution: You should expect to get enough calcium from eating these kinds of food
Constant snacking can be a surprising sign of imbalances caused by dehydration. We often mistake hunger for thirst. That’s why many people grab a sugary snack when actually their body is crying out for hydrating fluids.
Solution: Find out when to drink more water
Skipping breakfast
People who skip breakfast also tend to have higher cortisol and cholesterol levels, making them more susceptible not only to fatigue, but to developing heart disease and metabolic conditions. Plus, skipping breakfast makes you more likely to gain weight.
Solution: Try these 5 easy, healthy breakfast recipes:
- Eggs-cellent breakfast casserole
- Breakfast burrito
- Monkey salad
- Muffin-tin frittatas
- Slow cooker oatmeal with bananas and nuts