Studies show that doing just a small amount of exercise — like 15 minutes per day — can have a huge impact on your overall well being and longevity.
Doing just 15 minutes of exercise each day (or 90 minutes per week) can increase your lifespan by three years. By contrast, inactive people have a 17% increased risk of dying early.
And if it feels good, don’t stop after just 15 minutes … exercising more than 15 minutes provides additional benefits. Some activity is good, but more is definitely better.
BONUS: You don’t need to join a gym to get some much-needed exercise. These quick and easy home workouts will get you in shape from the comfort of your own home.
It is not surprising that many people experience pain and injury during exercise. While it is great that many can make time to exercise, some forgo the necessary warm-up and warm down routines that make the time less stressful on the body, the muscles and joints.
Tight hamstrings are a bigger problem than you may realize. Not only do they restrict normal range of motion in the legs, and make your legs weaker, they also cause low back pain and structural issues by tilting the pelvis. It is important for overall wellness…
We live in a fast-paced, I-want-it-now world. We want our food now, our downloads now, our tax refunds now, our everything now. But it took years to get out of shape, so how can we expect fitness results now? Yet, many do.
Abdominal or “core” strength is essential to good posture, body coordination, and overall fitness. While you might be familiar with the standard “stomach crunch” — where the feet are flat, knees bent and head raises to contract the stomach muscles — you might not know that doing those isn’t enough.
Four variations for proper push-ups
A lot of people will shy away from doing push-ups, thinking they are either too simple or too difficult. Yet push-ups are one of the best exercises for your body.
Oftentimes people complain of low back pain, and this can be related to imbalances or weakness in the strength and tone of the leg muscles; the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Squatting is a great way to develop leg strength through the full range of motion.
Training by yourself can be difficult. It takes motivation and a lot of the time it takes equipment. Having a partner to train or exercise with helps with motivation, a positive outcome … and you can replace many of the weights with body pressure from your partner.
Weight loss and fitness programs come in all shapes and sizes, from calorie counting and portion sizing to Pilates and fitness boot camps. New products that promise better bodies and healthier lifestyles keep hitting the infomercial space. But HIT is free, and can improve your fitness with just three minutes of exercise per week.