The tricep is the muscle behind the upper arm. And while many people, especially men, work hard on developing their biceps, people need to also develop the triceps for symmetry and proper muscle balance. In today’s video article, my friend Tema Esberg will show you how to do three simple exercises to strengthen your triceps. One will be using a chair and your bodyweight, and the other two will require the use of dumbbell hand weights.
1- Triceps dips
This is agreat way to work your triceps from home or a hotel, if traveling, or even on a playground or jogging trail. All you need is a table, ottoman, rail or other solid and fixed object for support. You can set up by facing away from the support object, placing your hand on it and stepping your feet away from it, ending in a table top position.
To do the dips, simple lower and raise your body by contracting and expanding your triceps. You are basically lowering then lifting yourself, making sure to keep your back straight throughout. Do a set of 10 repetitions, pause to rest, and then repeat twice more.
Another option that is a bit more challenging is to do the dips with legs extended straight out in front of you.
2- Overhead triceps extension with dumbbell
Pick a weight that works for you. It must be challenging while at the same time allow you to maintain proper form and duration throughout the exercise. Hold the single weight with both hands overlapped. Begin with your arms held straight above your head and then slowly, and steadily, bend your elbows to lower the weight behind your head. Now extend your arms back to their straight position again and repeat for 10 repetitions.
Be sure to sit erect and maintain proper posture while pulling your navel toward your spine, keeping your shoulders relaxed and your back straight.
3- Kickbacks with dumbbells
For this exercise you will hold one dumbbell of equal weight in each hand. Stand up with feet together, knees slightly bent and with body pitched at a forward diagonal angle. Hold your triceps slightly behind your shoulder line and slowly straighten them behind you, lifting the weights.
You want to extend and then contract the arms at the triceps for 10 repetitions, rest and repeat two more times. You can also do this exercise with a split stance, or with one leg in front of the other to help maintain your balance.
In sum, strengthening your triceps is necessary to balance the often overworked biceps, for proper symmetry and muscle coordination and strength. Repeat each exercise for three sets of 10 repetitions each, and adjust your body position and the weights as needed. Slow and steady garners best results.