Refined white table sugar (sucrose) — the kind most of us keep on the kitchen counter is just no good. No matter what your sweet tooth says. With more than 100 adverse effects tied to its use, in addition to promoting heart disease (atherosclerosis), diabetes and pre-diabetes (a.k.a. metabolic syndrome, now estimated in 1 out of 4 American adults), and obesity, it’s time to kick it to the curb and choose better sweeteners.
But don’t be quick to reach for artificial sweeteners. These chemical compounds are 30 to 7,000 times sweeter than sugar. Although they have zero calories—they come with their own set of problems, in addition to increasing your risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease and more.
And high fructose corn syrup? Please. It’s basically equal to sucrose (i.e. table sugar) in adverse health effects and on blood levels of glucose, insulin, leptin (fat control hormone) and ghrelin (hunger and energy regulation hormone). Are you seeing a trend?
Don’t give up, however, on pleasing your taste buds. Sweet tasting food does not need to translate into body fat, hormone imbalances (i.e. insulin resistance), or chronic disease if you use the 12 naturally healthy sweeteners in this infographic.
Here are some of our favorite articles that explain the good, bad and ugly options for satisfying your sweet tooth:
If you are like me, you love the taste of sweet foods, especially during those times that the sweet craving or emotion is high. The problem is that there are far too many sweet foods available that contain far too many unhealthy sweetening ingredients for our own good.
You see artificial sweeteners in many commercially produced foods. They are what give “diet” sodas that sweet zero-calorie taste. But do they really help you lose weight?
There are sweeteners available that are healthier than sucrose, fructose and the chemical artificial sweeteners on the market. That’s good news for those with a “sweet tooth.”
It has been well-proven that excess simple sugar consumption (and especially sugary drinks) and empty calories make you fatter. That’s a generalization, since everyone’s metabolism is different.
For more sweet and sour facts about foods you probably love, visit: easyhealthoptions.com/tag/sweeteners/