Posted on: February 7, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

What is Mental Illness?

This is a quick video describing the basics of mental illness, causes, and recovery. The definition of mental illness comes from a presentation by Dr. Thomas Insel, the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health. You can find more about the description of mental illness as a disruptions in neural circuits in this blog post by Dr. Insel.

Posted on: February 7, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

Manuka Honey: A Superfood with Magical Benefits

Hello Everyone, Here is a video from us at General Store Organics explaining the many benefits of manuka honey, and what we find to be the best company to go with when purchasing an authentic, high strength manuka honey. We have been using manuka honey for many years now for everything from cuts and burns, to indigestion and infections, and we have used most every brand on the market available.…

Posted on: February 7, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

The Health Benefits of Walnuts – Superfood Nuts #4

Learn the nutritional health benefits of walnuts – this superfood nut is one of the most nutritionally dense nuts out there, providing ample amounts of protein, fibre and healthy mono-unsaturated fatty acids. Health Benefits of Walnuts + Rich in melatonin – hormone that protects your body from cell damage. Promotes normal sleep cycles, useful for sleep deprivation sufferers. + Lowers cholesterol: Due to high Omega-3 fatty acid content, reduces LDL…

Posted on: February 6, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

Irwin Goldstein vs Women’s sexual health-Not scientific article published by Journal Sexual Medicine

Il mio sito “Dott. Vincenzo Puppo La nuova sessuologia: l’educazione a fare l’amore – La prevenzione delle violenze”: Irwin Goldstein has censored this Letter to the Editor! Declaration of Sexual Rights: The right to sexual information based upon Scientific inquiry! The hypothetical area named G-spot should not be defined with Grafenberg’s name; the G-spot is only an hypothesis without scientific bases. The orgasm is a normal psycho-physiological function of…

Posted on: February 6, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

Men’s Health Mag Pulls Sexist Article And Apologizes

“An article entitled “The Secret to Talking Sports with Any Woman” in Men’s Health has incensed thousands of people online, garnering the magazine over 4800 mentions on Twitter. If the generalizing title wasn’t enough, the sub headline continues: “The things that interest you are unlikely to interest her, but you can still make a connection; here’s how.” The piece is a fragment of an article, and it’s the lack of…

Posted on: February 6, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

Nutrition Health Articles 2014

http://www.iwanto.eatrighttoloseweigh… FREE NUTRITION HEALTH ARTICLES 2014 Eating Right is the best way to feel great, lose weight and keep it off FOREVER! Good Nutrition is about eating right and not about what consider “Dieting”. However, It can be a VERY effective way to loose wieght! Let one the worlds best diet and fitness coaches walk you through the simple, easy to follow methods of eating right and losing weight. It’s…